Pre-work - TipCalc
TipCalc of is a tip calculator PHP page.
Submitted by: Man Mohan Devineni
Time spent: 16 hours spent in total
User Stories
The following required functionality is complete:
- [Y] User can enter a bill amount, choose a tip percentage, and submit the form to see the tip and total values.
- [Y] Tip percentage choices use a PHP loop to output three radio buttons.
- [Y] PHP code sets reasonable default values for the form.
- [Y] PHP code confirms the presence and correct format of submitted values.
- [Y] Page indicates any form errors which need to be fixed.
- [Y] Submitted form values are retained when errors or results are shown.
The following optional features are implemented:
- [Y] Add support for custom tip percentage
- [Y] Add support for splitting the tip and total
Video Walkthrough
GIF Link: