mdittmer / mdn-confluence

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Tools for Cross-Referencing MDN Compat Data and Web API Confluence Data

These tools are intended for MDN Compat Data curators to leverage Web API Confluence data.

Installing, building, running locally

First, run:

npm install

This will prepare an environment for the CLI.


The CLI is meant for generating JSON files to produce candidate PRs for mdn/browser-compat-data. It can be run using:

node main/generate.es6.js [options/flags]


npm run generate -- [options/flags]

Passing no [options/flags] will use the latest online Confluence data to patch interfaces that already exist in node_modules/browser-compat-data and output them to data/browser-compat-data. The resulting files follow the same directory structure as the browser-compat-data repository. To see documentation for all [options/flags], pass the --help flag.

The easiest way to prepare a PR is to obtain a clone of mdn/browser-compat-data, ensure that both the clone and the copy in node_modules are up to date, and send the output of the generate script to your clone of mdn/browser-compat-data.

Here's a recipe for preparing a PR for the fictional Foo and Bar interfaces, already documented in mdn/browser-compat-data:

git clone /path/to/mdn/browser-compat-data
cd /path/to/mdn/browser-compat-data
git checkout -b my-pr-branch
cd /path/to/mdittmer/mdn-confluence
npm update
npm run generate -- --interfaces=Foo,Bar --output-dir=/path/to/mdn/browser-compat-data
cd /path/to/mdn/browser-compat-data
git diff

If the diff is empty, then Confluence and MDN agree on browser versioning information for Foo and Bar. If not, you can make any manual adjustments, commit and the change, and submit a pull request.


If you've got a great idea to make this better, please feel free to file issues and/or submit pull requests.