mdittmer / web-apis

Playground for better understanding Web APIs
Apache License 2.0
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Playground for better understanding Web APIs. Data collection supported by BrowserStack.

Table of Contents generated with DocToc

Serving locally (for development)

$ . ./scripts/
$ npm run rebuild
$ npm run serve

Javascript Object Graphs

Explore the object graph exposed by a browser's Javascript environment.

Exploring data

While serving locally visit localhost:8000/analyze_og.html. This tool allows you to select browser environments to include and exclude, and then look at the APIs and structures in the resulting environment.

E.g., What APIs and structures exist in the set...

(1) Safari 602.1.38 OSX 10.12


(2) Edge 14.14300 Windows 10.0


(3) Firefox 48.0 Windows 10.0


(4) Chrome 52.0.2743.116 OSX 10.11.6

I.e., in both (1) and (2), but not in either (3) or (4).

Collecting data

Manual data collection setup

While serving locally visit localhost:8000/index.html. Use the buttons to collect and then save data about your environment.

NOTE: This will (over)write data/og/window_[platform/browser info].json.

Automated data collection

Data collection can be automated via Selenium. The preferred method is to use BrowserStack, but the data collection interface is also implemented SauceLabs, and custom (local) Selenium instances.

Setup: BrowserStack

Add the following to scripts/ in your local checkout:

BROWSERSTACK_VIDEO="true" # "false" or unset saves time by recording no video




Install BrowserStackLocal for local tunneling magic. Now run it; e.g.:

$ BrowserStackLocal -k your_browserstack_access_key

Open browserstack_envs.json and make sure it lists exactly the browsers you wish to gather data from.

Skip to Gathering the data below.

Setup: SauceLabs

Add the following to scripts/ in your local checkout:


# Tunnel from localhost via sauce-connect



Install sauce-connect for local URL proxying. Now run it; e.g.:

$ sc

Open sauce_envs.json and make sure it lists exactly the browsers you wish to gather data from.

Skip to Gathering the data below.

Setup: Custom Selenium

Add the following to scripts/ in your local checkout:



Take a look at selenium_custom.js. Make sure everything looks right (in particular, double check the url for connecting to Selenium).

Open selenium_custom_envs.json and make sure it lists exactly the browsers you wish to gather data from.

Skip to Gathering the data below.

Gathering the data

If you wish to gather data from browsers listed in [SELENIUM_HOST]_envs.json then run:

$ . ./scripts/
$ node ./main/selenium_og.es6.js

If you, instead, wish to gather broad historical data from browsers described by browsers_envs.json then run:

$ . ./scripts/
$ node --max_old_space_size=4096 ./main/selenium_og.es6.js --historical

NOTE: You can override SELENIUM_HOST with one of browserstack, sauce, or selenium_custom by passing it to selenium_og.es6.js. E.g., run node selenium_og.es6.js browserstack.


Explore WebIDL fragments.

NOTE: Some of the scripts referenced in this section require ag -- The Silver Searcher.

Exploring data

While serving locally visit localhost:8000/analyze_idl.html. This tool allows you to select two WebIDL collections stored in data/idl/... , and then look at the diff between IDL fragments that have the same name.

E.g., to view the difference between the Node interface linked in Blink's IDL files (i.e., the interface from the spec) and the Node interface in Blink's IDL files themselves: Enter "Left"=blink linked, "Choose interface"=Node, "Right"=blink.

Each <input> element is bound to a dynamically updated <datalist> element, so using the dropdown and/or auto-complete allow you to see what IDL collections and interfaces are available.

Bulk load

IDL data loading has recently been overhauled, and the tools for this procedure are still being consolidated. Please take advantage of the data available in data/idl. This section of the README will be updated when data loading tools are usable again.