mdjx / PSLANScan

A PowerShell module for Layer 2 host discovery
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arp discovery network ping powershell scan



PSLANScan is a PowerShell module for layer 2 host discovery via ARP. It quickly finds live hosts on your network segment given a list of IP addresses, even if the hosts have ICMP/ping blocked by a firewall.


Via PowerShell Gallery

Install-Module -Name PSLANScan -Scope CurrentUser

Via Git

Clone the repository and run .\build.ps1 deploy.

This will install several modules if you do not already have them, see build.ps1 for details. These are only required for the build process and are not otherwise used by PSLANScan.


Copy the files from src to $Home\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\PSLANScan for PowerShell 5.1 or $Home\Documents\PowerShell\Modules\PSLANScan for PowerShell 7, and rename the .ps1 file(s) to .psm1.


Find-LANHosts [-IP <String[]>] [-NetAdapter <CimInstance[]>] [-DelayMS <int>] [-ClearARPCache]


Find-LANHosts -ClearARPCache -DelayMS 5
Get-NetAdapter -Name Ethernet | Find-LANHosts
Get-NetAdapter | ? {($_ | Get-NetIPAddress -AddressFamily IPv4 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -ne $null} | Find-LANHosts
Get-NetRoute -DestinationPrefix | Get-NetAdapter | Find-LANHosts
$IPs = 1..254 | % {"192.168.0.$_"}
Find-LANHosts $IPs
1..254 | % {"192.168.1.$_"} | Find-LANHosts -ClearARPCache
1..254 | % {"10.1.1.$_"} | Find-LANHosts -DelayMS 5

More info

See this blog post for further details.