mdn / stumptown-deployer

🚢 those static Stumptown sites
Mozilla Public License 2.0
3 stars 6 forks source link


Ship a Stumptown static site for web hosting.

Don't tell anyone, but for now it's all AWS as the backend but that's an implementation detail that shouldn't prevent us from one day moving to Google Cloud Platform or Azure or Fastly.

Limitations and caveats

How it works

This project's goal is ultimately to take a big directory of files and upload them to S3. But there are some more advanced features so as turning _redirects.txt files into S3 redirect keys. And there might be file system names that don't match exactly what we need the S3 key to be called exactly. Also, the directory is bound to contain "junk" that should be omitted. For example, Yari produces index.hash files which are used to remember the checksum when it built the index.html.

All deployments, generally, all go into the one same S3 bucket. But in that bucket you always have a "prefix" (aka. a root folder) which gets used by CloudFront so you can have N CloudFront distributions for 1 S3 bucket. For example, one prefix might be called master which'll be the production site. Another prefix might be peterbe-pr12345.

So every deployment has a prefix (aka. the "name") which can be automatically generated based on the name of the current branch, which'd be known to something like TravisCI. The first thing it does is that it downloads a complete listing of every known key in the bucket under that prefix and each key's size. (That's all you get from bucket.list_objects_v2). Now, it starts to walk the local directory and for each file it applies the following logic:

When it uploads an S3 key, always compute the local file's hash and include that as a piece of S3 key Metadata.

Getting started

You can install it globally or in a virtualen environment. Whatever floats float fancy.

pip install stumptown-deployer
stumptown-deployer --help

Please refer to the boto3 documentation with regards to configuring AWS access credentials.


To be dead-easy to use and powerful at the same time.


Clone this repo then run:

pip install -e ".[dev]"

That should have installed the CLI stumptown-deployer

stumptown-deployer --help

If you wanna make a PR, make sure it's formatted with black and passes flake8.

You can check that all files are flake8 fine by running:

flake8 deployer

And to check that all files are formatted according to black run:

black --check deployer

All of the code style stuff can be simplified by installing therapist. It should get installed by default, but setting it up as a git pre-commit hook is optional. Here's how you set it up once:

therapist install

Now, next time you try to commit a .py file with a black or flake8 violation it will remind you and block the commit. You can override it like this:

git commit -a -m "I know what I'm doing"

To run all code style and lint checkers you can also use therapist with:

therapist run --use-tracked-files

Some things can't be automatically fixed, but black violations can for example:

therapist run --use-tracked-files --fix

Contributing and using

If you like to use the globally installed executable stumptown-deployer but don't want to depend on a new PyPI release for every change you want to try, use this:

# If you use a virtualenv, deactivate it first
# Use the global pip (or pip3) on your system
pip3 install -e .

If you do this, you can use this repo to install in your system.