mdoerk / seng513a3

SENG 513 Assignment 3
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This is a project for the 3rd assignment of the Web-based Systems course (SENG 513) at the University of Calgary.

Find more details on the tutorials page:


Q: How to set the encoding for a language that needs different characters than those in ASCII?

A: Make sure that you include the charset that your language file is encoded in the HTTP header Content-Type, which is likely to be Unicode. Read more about charsets in HTTP at W3C:

Q: Is there a way to know which branch one is currently in? (answer courtesy of Remy)

A: For the bash shell you can put the following in ~/.bashrc :

# Function to print the git branch if we are in a git repository
gitprompt ()
   if [ -d .git ]; then
       branch=`git branch | grep "*" | sed 's/\* //'`
       echo "[$branch]"

# add \w in front to display current directory
export PS1="\$(gitprompt)$ "

Make sure that you reference the .bashrc in your ~/.bash_profile like so:

. "$HOME/.bashrc"

Q: I pushed my changes - am I done?

A: No, please, come to the second tutorial and show your local changes and explain your solution to the TA.