mdolata / TicTacToe

TicTacToe game implementation
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Tic Tac Toe App

It is implementation of TicTacToe game with simple AI opponent. I followed instuctions from JetBrains Academy

How to Build

You can build this app executable jar with gradle wrapper unix executable with this command. Make sure you have jdk 8 installed in your computer.

./gradlew jar

Or if you're on windows you can use this command, this will run the batch file

gradlew jar

You can find the executable jar file in build/libs/TicTacToe-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar

How to Run

After building the executable jar, you can run the jar with this command

java -jar build/libs/TicTacToe-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar

How to start

First you need to enter 3 parameter to start the game,

You can choose the player 1 or player 2 between these

So, for example if you want to play against easy you can type these

Input command: start user easy

To make bot play first, you can type user as 3rd parameter, like this.

Input command: start medium user

You can also let bot play against each other, like this.

Input command: start hard hard

Playing the game

The rule is simple:

  1. The game requires two players, X and O.
  2. The game board is a set 3x3 grid in which players will place their symbol to claim that segment.
  3. X typically players first, then players alternate turns.
  4. The goal is to claim three segments of the grid in a row, either horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. No additional sides can be added to the grid.
  5. The game is over either when one player achieves three segments in a row, or when the grid is filled without anyone achieving three segments in a row.

In this game, after you select user (human player) to play the game, you can type in the coordinates to play the game. You'll be receiving this input command.

Enter the coordinates:

You need to type in the coordinate between for the X and Y position separated by space.

The X is the horizontal coordinate and the Y is the vertical coordinate.

The game board ideally look like this:

Y \ X 1 2 3
3 X

So if you want to put your piece at the top left of the board like this

‌‌ 1 2 3
3 X

You'll need to type in.

Enter the coordinates: 1 3

The 2nd player can choose anything to block the 1st player. For example choosing the middle tile, you can type in.

Enter the coordinates: 2 2
‌‌ 1 2 3
3 X
2 O

The game will continue and so on.

Wrong input

If the tile is already occupied, the game will tell you so.

Enter the coordinates: 1 3
This cell is occupied! Choose another one!

If you type in wrong coordinate, the game will also tell you.

Enter the coordinates: 33
You should two enter numbers with one space!
Enter the coordinates: 1 4
Coordinate should be from 1 to 3!

Ending the game

You'll continue until one of the players win like this.

| X O X |
| O O O |
| X X   |
| X O X |
| O X O |
| X     |

Or until board is full and no one win, it will be DRAW

| X O X |
| O O X |
| X X O |