mdrwiega / depth_nav_tools

A set of tools for mobile robot navigation with the depth sensor
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access to original ROS1 code for depth_nav_tools #26

Open raherbst opened 1 year ago

raherbst commented 1 year ago

The URL describes the depth_nav_tools code. The url states that the documentation is for ros1. In order to avoid other complications, I am building to noetic, 20.04. I have gazebo, rviz, and the kinect camera working fine. However, when I try to build in depth_nav_tools, I get the error Warning: Skipping package laserscan_kinect because it has an unsupported package build type: ament_cmake . Ament_cmake is, of course, part of ros2, and I notice from the above URL that update workflow to 22.04 occurred 3 months ago. I need the depth_nav_tools code compatible with ros1. Please let me know where this previous code, for ros1, resides.

minh-de-rien commented 7 months ago

Hi, I'm having the same issue; I use ROS 1 and Noetic distro. Were you able to build the code after all?