mdrwiega / depth_nav_tools

A set of tools for mobile robot navigation with the depth sensor
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kinect navigation rgbd robotics ros ros2


The set of software tools dedicated to a mobile robot autonomous navigation with a depth sensor, for example Kinect.

The metapackage depth_nav_tools contains following packages:

Additional documentation

A full documentation is available at the ROS wiki and in the publication "A set of depth sensor processing ROS tools for wheeled mobile robot navigation"(PDF) by M. Drwięga and J. Jakubiak (Journal of Automation, Mobile Robotics & Intelligent Systems, 2017).


  author = {Michał Drwięga and Janusz Jakubiak},
  title = {A set of depth sensor processing {ROS} tools for wheeled mobile robot navigation},
  journal = {Journal of Automation, Mobile Robotics & Intelligent Systems (JAMRIS)},
  year = 2017,
  doi = {10.14313/JAMRIS_2-2017/16},
  note = {Software available at \url{}}


The example of obstacles detection by the laserscan_kinect

The picture shows comparison between a laser scan based on the converted depth image from a Microsoft Kinect (blue points) and a laser scan from a scanner Hokuyo URG-04LX-UG01 (black points). Laserscan Kinect detection


During the tuning process additional debug image can be used. It contains lines that represent the lower and upper bounds of the detection area. Also, closest points in each image column are visible. laserscan_kinect_dbg


To start a node laserscan_kinect it can be used a following command roslaunch laserscan_kinect laserscan.launch

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The file /config/params.yaml contains default parameters values.



To start a node laserscan_kinect it can be used a following command roslaunch depth_sensor_pose depth_sensor_pose.launch.launch

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colcon build --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release


Currently unit tests are implemented only for the laserscan_kinect package.