mdrwiega / depth_nav_tools

A set of tools for mobile robot navigation with the depth sensor
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nav_layer_from_points not working #3

Closed David9696 closed 3 years ago

David9696 commented 6 years ago


I am to add your nav_layer_from_points plug-in to our robot's global costmap. But we get the following errors:

Using plugin "simplelayer" terminate called after throwing an instance of 'pluginlib::CreateClassException' what(): MultiLibraryClassLoader: Could not create object of class type nav_layer_from_points::NavLayerPoints as no factory exists for it. Make sure that the library exists and was explicitly loaded through MultiLibraryClassLoader::loadLibrary()

My global_costmap.yaml is listed as follows:

global_costmap: global_frame: /map robot_base_frame: /base_footprint update_frequency: 5.0 static_map: true


Could you please enlighten me how to solve this problem?


gersonos commented 6 years ago

Hi david, have you solved this problem?

I mean, I'm trying to add this layer to my costmap this way, and also by executing the three necessary nodes (cliff_detector, laserscan and depth_sensor_pose) without success. I feel I'm close to have something for local_costmap detecting it. I have exactly the same issue and it's related to some other parameters declared to costmap_2d.


HUDiwan commented 5 years ago


You could fix this issue by going into the plugin.xml file and changing

<class type="nav_layer_from_points::NavLayerPoints" base_class_type="costmap_2d::Layer"><description>Uses points information to change the costmap</description> </class>


<class type="nav_layer_from_points::NavLayerFromPoints" base_class_type="costmap_2d::Layer"><description>Uses points information to change the costmap</description></class>

This will solve the issue. The pull request has been made, so it will be fixed on package soon.

Regards, HUDiwan