mdrwiega / depth_nav_tools

A set of tools for mobile robot navigation with the depth sensor
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How do I use this set of tools for downward stairs? #4

Closed gersonos closed 2 years ago

gersonos commented 6 years ago

Hi Michal,

I'm trying to use this wonderful package without sucess. I managed to use laserscan node and it works perfect (better than depthimage_to_laserscan), but I'm struggling with the rest of nodes. You know, I'm using costmap2d for mapping and at the moment, the local_costmap isn't detecting downard stairs. I set correctly the kinect height and tilt_angle, but when I see rqt_graph only laserscan node is publishing LaserScan mesagges through scan topic which I'm using, but not cliff_detector nor depth_sensor_pose. Do I need to use these three nodes to get this detection working or there is something I'm missing? Could you tell me what else I'm missing, please?

Btw for costmap2d I'm using as source the scans from laserscan with max_obstacle_height: 2.0 meters and min_obstacle_height: -2.0 meters, but seems not working. Do I need adding another observation sources: for scan again, but as pointcloud message with max_obstacle_height of 0.0m and min_obstacle_height: -2.0 or something similar? When I set for camera

I hope you can enlighten me about the correct use of this package.

Thanks again!