mdsimpson / contact-form-7-to-database-extension

CFDB - WordPress plugin to save form submissions into a database
GNU General Public License v3.0
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The "CFDB" plugin saves contact form submissions to your WordPress database and provides and administration page and shortcodes to view and display the data. Video tutorial on the CFDB Plugin Site

By simply installing the plugin, it will automatically begin to capture form submissions from:

Other form submissions can be saved with the addition of the [cfdb-save-form-post] short code on the target submission page.

Contact form plugins are great except for one thing...the ability to save and retrieve the form data to/from the database. If you get a lot of form submissions, then you end up sorting through a lot of email.

This plugin provides three administration pages in the administration area under the "Contact form DB" submenu.

Displaying Saved Data in Posts and Pages

Use shortcodes such as [cfdb-html], [cfdb-table], [cfdb-datatable], [cfdb-value] and [cfdb-json] to display the data on a non-admin page on your site. Use the short code builder page to set short code options.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a tutorial?

See the Video Tutorial

I installed the plugin but I don't see any of my forms listed in the administration page

Nothing will show until you have actual form submissions captured by this plugin. The plugin is not aware of your form definitions, it is only aware of form submissions.

Where can I find documentation on the plugin?

Refer the Plugin Site

Where do I see the data?

In the admin page, "Contact Form DB"

Can I display form data on a non-admin web page or in a post?

Yes, documentation on shortcodes [cfdb-html], [cfdb-datatable], [cfdb-table], [cfdb-json] and [cfdb-value], etc.

What is the name of the table where the data is stored?


Note: if you changed your WordPress MySql table prefix from the default wp_ to something else, then this table will also have that prefix instead of wp_ ($wpdb->prefix)

If I uninstall the plugin, what happens to its data in the database?

By default it remains in your database in its own table. There is an option to have the plugin delete all its data if you uninstall it that you can set if you like. You can always deactivate the plugin without loosing data.