mdvanes / mdworld-jackson

mdworld theme "Jackson"
MIT License
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gatsby react

mdworld theme "Jackson"

Modern stack for Uses JAMstack with GatsbyJS (PWA traits), React, TypeScript and API calls to Hosting on Github Pages and SSL with Cloudflare.

Naming theme

Adding React components to Markdown posts

Add to render function in src/templates/post.jsx See also


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Gatsby Material Starter

A blog starter with Material design in mind for Gatsby.

Demo website.


GatsbyJS V1

This starter is based on GatsbyJS V1, which brings progressive web app features such as automatic code and data splitting (by route), prefetching, with service worker/offline-first support and PRPL pattern.

More information in the announcement.


NOTE: Take a look at gatsby-advanced-starter if you prefer building UI from scratch and/or only interested in fundamental features.

You can also visit my personal blog if you want to see a fully implemented blog based on this starter.

Article Screenshot Mobile Screenshot

Getting Started

Install this starter (assuming Gatsby is installed and updated) by running from your CLI:

gatsby new YourProjectName
npm install # or yarn install
npm run develop # or gatsby develop

Or you can fork the project, make your changes there and merge new features when needed.


git clone YourProjectName # Clone the project
cd YourProjectname
rm -rf .git # So you can have your own changes stored in VCS.
npm install # or yarn install
npm run develop # or gatsby develop


Edit the export object in data/SiteConfig:

module.exports = {
  blogPostDir: "sample-posts", // The name of directory that contains your posts.
  siteTitle: "Gatsby Material Starter", // Site title.
  siteTitleAlt: "GatsbyJS Material Starter", // Alternative site title for SEO.
  siteLogo: "/logos/logo-1024.png", // Logo used for SEO and manifest.
  siteUrl: "", // Domain of your website without pathPrefix.
  pathPrefix: "/gatsby-material-starter", // Prefixes all links. For cases when deployed to
  siteDescription: "A GatsbyJS stater with Material design in mind.", // Website description used for RSS feeds/meta description tag.
  siteRss: "/rss.xml", // Path to the RSS file.
  siteFBAppID: "1825356251115265", // FB Application ID for using app insights
  siteGATrackingID: "UA-47311644-4", // Tracking code ID for google analytics.
  disqusShortname: "https-vagr9k-github-io-gatsby-material-starter", // Disqus shortname.
  postDefaultCategoryID: "Tech", // Default category for posts.
  userName: "Material User", // Username to display in the author segment.
  userTwitter: "", // Optionally renders "Follow Me" in the UserInfo segment.
  userLocation: "North Pole, Earth", // User location to display in the author segment.
  userAvatar: "", // User avatar to display in the author segment.
    "Yeah, I like animals better than people sometimes... Especially dogs. Dogs are the best. Every time you come home, they act like they haven't seen you in a year. And the good thing about dogs... is they got different dogs for different people.", // User description to display in the author segment.
  // Links to social profiles/projects you want to display in the author segment/navigation bar.
  userLinks: [
      label: "GitHub",
      url: "",
      iconClassName: "fa fa-github"
      label: "Twitter",
      url: "",
      iconClassName: "fa fa-twitter"
      label: "Email",
      url: "",
      iconClassName: "fa fa-envelope"
  copyright: "Copyright © 2017. Material User" // Copyright string for the footer of the website and RSS feed.

You can also optionally set pathPrefix:

module.exports = {
  // Note: it must *not* have a trailing slash.
  pathPrefix: "/gatsby-material-starter" // Prefixes all links. For cases when deployed to

NOTE: user*, disqusShortname and copyright are optional and won't render if omitted.

WARNING: Make sure to edit static/robots.txt to include your domain for the sitemap!


Edit src/layouts/theme.scss to suit your needs. You can use Material color palette provided by React-MD.

@import "~react-md/src/scss/react-md";
$md-primary-color: $md-grey-400;
$md-secondary-color: $md-red-800;
$md-tertiary-color: $md-grey-300;