me3eh / Bar_BoRoSa

Project for AI for software Engineering
MIT License
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Project for AI for software Engineering

Setting Env

If you are using Conda :

conda env create -f conda.yaml
conda activate news_prediction 

Also you have to make your own .env file according to the .env.example file.


Project Structure

Chrome plugin

You need to install Google Chrome to get chrome_plugin to run. You will need to activate Developer mode, click Load Unpacked and point to folder with project of chrome_plugin. Link to whole tutorial:

Python Flask Server

Best way to start the server is to invoke a command (from main directory)

cd server
flask run -p 5001

Additionally you will need to have mlflow installed It will run mlflow

Python dependency

When working with that project, you might like to create virtual environment. It's mainly used to separate libraries between different projects. To do it (1 time action),

python -m venv venv

After that, every time from console, do:

source venv/bin/activate

That way you'll be in virtual environment of python

To get all needed libraries, to the following:

pip install -r requirements.txt

If you add any new library, delete requirements.txt and do:

pip freeze > requirements.txt

That way all needed libraries will be automatically added.

Link to repository with site for articles