Ever wanted to passively watch prs/issues in a repo without subscribing to every event?
Yup, me too.
This gives you an rss feed. One entry when it opens and one when it closes. That too, filterable. I know!
Demo server: https://gh-issues-to-rss.fly.dev Example: https://gh-issues-to-rss.fly.dev/meain/evil-textobj-tree-sitter
gh-issues-to-rss --server # in your server
Example nvim-treesitter/nvim-tree [pr-open]: Adds fish shell textobjects nvim-treesitter/nvim-tree [pr-close]: Add Elixir textobjects meain/dotfiles [issue-close]: Just a thought meain/dotfiles [issue-close]: Screenshots nvim-treesitter/nvim-tree [issue-open]: Question: is it expected that inner function objects include braces?
You can pass in extra arg in the url to filter things down:
: specify modes
Eg: http://
/ / ?m=io&m=po # just open issues and prs
: speify label
Eg: http://
/ / ?l=good-first-issue # just issus/prs labeled good-first-issue
: specify user
Eg: http://
/ / ?u=meain # just issus/prs opened by meain
: specify user to exclude
Eg: http://
/ / ?nu=meain # just issus/prs not opened by meain
All filters can be used multiple times. Positive filters are ANDed together, negative filters are ORed together.
CLI help:
gh-issues-to-rss [FLAGS] [repo] [--server]
Server mode (use -server to switch to server mode): -port int port to use for server (default 8080) -cache-timeout float cache timeout in minutes, 0 to disable (default: 12 hours) Example: gh-issues-to-rss -server -port 8080 -cache-timeout 720
Single repo mode: -m string Comma separated list of modes [io,ic,po,pc] -l string Comma separated list of labels to include -nl string Comma separated list of labels to exclude -u string Comma separated list of users to include -nu string Comma separated list of users to exclude Example: gh-issues-to-rss -m io,ic,po,pc -l bug,enhancement -nl invalid -u user1,user2 -nu user3,user4 org/repo