mealie-recipes / mealie

Mealie is a self hosted recipe manager and meal planner with a RestAPI backend and a reactive frontend application built in Vue for a pleasant user experience for the whole family. Easily add recipes into your database by providing the url and mealie will automatically import the relevant data or add a family recipe with the UI editor
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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[BUG] - Missing serving size when printing recipe #3788

Closed thomaspijper closed 3 days ago

thomaspijper commented 4 days ago

First Check

What is the issue you are experiencing?

When a recipe is printed (to paper or PDF -- doesn't matter), the serving size is missing.

Steps to Reproduce

1) Open a recipe 2) Click the blue circle with the three dots that is on the bottom right of the recipe image. 3) Choose "print" 4) Both the preview and the print result do not show the serving size.

The "print preferences" view also does not show the serving size

Please provide relevant logs

No relevant logs

Mealie Version

Docker image, v1.9.0


Docker (Linux)

Additional Deployment Details

No response

boc-the-git commented 4 days ago

Whilst "bug" is probably a grey area and this could be argued as a feature request, happy for someone to add this!

thomaspijper commented 4 days ago

IMO, the serving size is a fundamental piece of information in a recipe, which is why I labelled it a bug (hereby assuming it is meant to be shown but doesn't render correctly). But checking RecipePrintView.vueI see that it is not implemented. Guess that does make it closer to a feature request.

Would be grateful if someone could add this. Typescript is not my forte.

Edit: I made an effort. See below PR.