mealie-recipes / mealie

Mealie is a self hosted recipe manager and meal planner with a RestAPI backend and a reactive frontend application built in Vue for a pleasant user experience for the whole family. Easily add recipes into your database by providing the url and mealie will automatically import the relevant data or add a family recipe with the UI editor
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
5.59k stars 608 forks source link
hacktoberfest hacktoberfest2022 meal-plans recipe-manager self-hosted

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A Place For All Your Recipes
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[![Product Name Screen Shot][product-screenshot]]( # About The Project Mealie is a self hosted recipe manager, meal planner and shopping list with a RestAPI backend and a reactive frontend built in Vue for a pleasant user experience for the whole family. Easily add recipes into your database by providing the URL and Mealie will automatically import the relevant data, or add a family recipe with the UI editor. Mealie also provides an API for interactions from 3rd party applications. - [Remember to join the Discord](! - [Documentation]( ## Key Features - Recipe imports: Create recipes, by **importing from a URL** or entering data manually - Meal Planner: Use the **Meal Planner** to plan your what you'll cook for the next week - Shopping List: Put the necessary ingredients on your **Shopping List**, organised into sections of your local supermarket - Cookbooks: Group recipes into **Cookbooks** based on your own criteria - Docker: Easy **Docker** deployment - Localisation: **Translations** for 35+ languages ## Contributing Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are **greatly appreciated**. If you're going to be working on the code-base, you'll want to use the nightly documentation to ensure you get the latest information. - See the [Contributors Guide]( for help getting started. - We use [VSCode Dev Containers]( to make it easy for contributors to get started! If you are not a coder, you can still contribute financially. Financial contributions help me prioritize working on this project over others and helps me know that there is a real demand for project development. Buy Me A Coffee ### Translations Translations can be a great way for **non-coders** to contribute to the project. We use [Crowdin]( to allow several contributors to work on translating Mealie. You can simply help by voting for your preferred translations, or even by completely translating Mealie into a new language. For more information, check out the translation page on the [contributor's guide]( ## License Distributed under the AGPL License. See `LICENSE` for more information. ## Sponsors Huge thanks to all the sponsors of this project on [Github Sponsors]( and Buy Me a Coffee. Without you, this project would surely not be possible. Thanks to Depot for providing build instances for our Docker image builds. [![Built with Depot](]( [contributors-shield]: [docker-pull]: [docker-url]: [ghcr-pulls]: [ghcr-url]: [contributors-url]: [stars-shield]: [stars-url]: [issues-shield]: [issues-url]: [latest-release-shield]: [latest-release-url]: [license-shield]: [license-url]: [linkedin-shield]: [linkedin-url]: [product-screenshot]: docs/docs/assets/img/home_screenshot.png