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🦜RBQL - Rainbow Query Language: SQL-like query engine for (not only) CSV file processing. Supports SQL queries with Python and JavaScript expressions.
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RBQL: Rainbow Query Language

RBQL is an eval-based SQL-like query engine for (not only) CSV file processing. It provides SQL-like language that supports SELECT queries with Python or JavaScript expressions.
RBQL is best suited for data transformation, data cleaning, and analytical queries.
RBQL is distributed with CLI apps, text editor plugins, IPython/Jupyter magic command, Python and JS libraries.

Official Site

Supported formats

Matrix of data formats that RBQL supports out of the box. R=Read, W=Write

Data Format Python JS
Native 2D arrays/lists RW RW
Pandas dataframe RW
Sqlite databases R

If you use RBQL as a library it is possible to support additional formats with some customizations.

Main Features


Supported SQL Keywords (Keywords are case insensitive)

All keywords have the same meaning as in SQL queries. You can check them online

RBQL variables

RBQL for CSV files provides the following variables which you can use in your queries:

UPDATE statement

UPDATE query produces a new table where original values are replaced according to the UPDATE expression, so it can also be considered a special type of SELECT query.

Aggregate functions and queries

RBQL supports the following aggregate functions, which can also be used with GROUP BY keyword:

Limitation: aggregate functions inside Python (or JS) expressions are not supported. Although you can use expressions inside aggregate functions.
E.g. MAX(float(a1) / 1000) - valid; MAX(a1) / 1000 - invalid.
There is a workaround for the limitation above for _ARRAYAGG function which supports an optional parameter - a callback function that can do something with the aggregated array. Example:
SELECT a2, ARRAY_AGG(a1, lambda v: sorted(v)[:5]) GROUP BY a2 - Python; SELECT a2, ARRAY_AGG(a1, v => v.sort().slice(0, 5)) GROUP BY a2 - JS

JOIN statements

Join table B can be referenced either by its file path or by its name - an arbitrary string which the user should provide before executing the JOIN query.
RBQL supports STRICT LEFT JOIN which is like LEFT JOIN, but generates an error if any key in the left table "A" doesn't have exactly one matching key in the right table "B".
Table B path can be either relative to the working dir, relative to the main table or absolute.
Limitation: JOIN statements can't contain Python/JS expressions and must have the following form: _<JOIN_KEYWORD> (/path/to/table.tsv | tablename ) ON a... == b... [AND a... == b... [AND ... ]]


SELECT EXCEPT can be used to select everything except specific columns. E.g. to select everything but columns 2 and 4, run: SELECT * EXCEPT a2, a4
Traditional SQL engines do not support this query mode.

UNNEST() operator

UNNEST(list) takes a list/array as an argument and repeats the output record multiple times - one time for each value from the list argument.
Example: SELECT a1, UNNEST(a2.split(';'))

LIKE() function

RBQL does not support LIKE operator, instead it provides "like()" function which can be used like this: SELECT * where like(a1, 'foo%bar')

WITH (header) and WITH (noheader) statements

You can set whether the input (and join) CSV file has a header or not using the environment configuration parameters which could be --with_headers CLI flag or GUI checkbox or something else. But it is also possible to override this selection directly in the query by adding either WITH (header) or WITH (noheader) statement at the end of the query. Example: select top 5 NR, * with (header)

User Defined Functions (UDF)

RBQL supports User Defined Functions
You can define custom functions and/or import libraries in two special files:

Examples of RBQL queries

With Python expressions

With JavaScript expressions

RBQL design principles and architecture

RBQL core idea is based on dynamic code generation and execution with exec and eval functions. Here are the main steps that RBQL engine performs when processing a query:

  1. Shallow parsing: split the query into logical expressions such as "SELECT", "WHERE", "ORDER BY", etc.
  2. Embed the expression segments into the main loop template code
  3. Execute the hydrated loop code

Here you can find a very basic working script (only 15 lines of Python code) which implements this idea:

The diagram below gives an overview of the main RBQL components and data flow: RBQL Diagram

Advantages of RBQL over traditional SQL engines

Disadvantages of RBQL compared to traditional SQL engines
