[x] Verify that TimeToFirstFix actually works (ie. it should provide a time in ms for the first fixation point per target (?)).
[x] Use System.Date.Time.Now Timestamps (! with milliseconds) in addition to a Time.DeltaTime timer.
[x] Use IEnumerator for logging which samples the Eye trackers every 50 ms?
[ ] Bianca suggests sampling every 11 ms, as HTC Vive's ideal framerate is 90 Hz or above corresponding to 11.11 ms. However, it could also work every 20 ms. as the average duration of a saccade is 20-40 ms.
[x] Update logXCirclePos to use the CircleMiddle, CircleLeft etc enum (maybe)
[x] Update circleSize to use the same calculation for calculating the performance as our DB logger
[x] Update System.Date.Time.Now to have milliseconds.
[ ] Remove the confidence values in the calibration scene.
[x] Fix CircleName variable.
[ ] Accuracy rate is 100 when circles_radius is 30. Accuracy rate should be [0:1].
[ ] Check if we can get access to the eye-tracking camera sharpness via the Pupil Labs software.
[ ] Check how the milliseconds timer works when specifying a value.
[ ] Fix that time between circles excludes countdown.
[ ] Check how the circle object is retrieved. Circle_pos_x and circle_pos_y looks OK?
[ ] Gaze_2d objects, grid, circles on grid, and data logging should all be calculated in the same coordinate system (viewport).
[ ] Can we add an eye-tracking accuracy variable in degrees in addition to the circle size?
[ ] We should also ensure that we send datetime with milliseconds to the DB.