med-material / VREyeTrackingAccuracyTest

VR Tool to Test the Accuracy of the Pupil Labs Eye Tracking Devices (Unity 2018.2.7f1)
MIT License
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VR Eye Tracking Accuracy Test

VR Eye Tracking Accuracy Test is a Unity App to measure eye tracking accuracy in a VR headset.

VR Eye Tracking Accuracy Test Screen


VR accuracy test is used to determine accuracy of eye tracking devices. It includes features...

VR Eye Tracking Accuracy Test was made with Unity and use C# scripts.
VR Tool to Test the Accuracy of the Pupil Labs Eye Tracking Devices mounted in a VR Headset (Tested for HTC Vive).

Why use this project?

This test can be run before use eye tracking into an other project and know exactly if eye tracking work good or not. So after you run this test, you can know if the patient sees correctly or if you have any imprecision with the eye tracking.

Who can use this project?

Anyone want to know the accuracy from his vr eye tracking stuff, can use this project to know it before run an other program.
It can be a doctor to test the view of a patient, and detect any potential disease.

Pupil Lab plugin

Pupil plugin picture
Integrate an open source eye tracking platform, with an active community to always maintain new features and improve the system.
Find the pupil plugin version used in this project here: Pupil plugin installed

UI to control the test

User interface for person in non-VR (facilitator), to control the test is implemented. So the facilitator can follow all the test in real time, show the results at the end and configure it.
UI configuration screen

Show results immediately

At the end of test, you cah show directly in the app, the results of the participant. We can show the eye tracking stuff accuracy and the gaze of participant.
UI results screen

RShiny App

A RShiny App was made in parallel of this project to visualize the data collected in the database. The current App show you the eye tracking accuracy of a selected participant or all participant. You can also choose the target.
RShiny App UI Find the RShiny App in this repository: VREyeTrackingAccuracyShinyApp


Done at Aalborg University.

Eye Tracker Data Collection in the Accuracy Test

With this package you’re going to have logs saved in your “My Documents” file, “_GazeData” and then the file at the current date (e.g. 01-29-19) and finally the .csv file with the time where you started the application + the id (e.g. 02-43-00_id-778899.csv).
Logs the accuracy for each circle and how much time the participant had to diminish it.