medfreeman / remark-generic-extensions

!Extension[Content](Argument){Properties} -> :tada: — commonmark generic directive extension for remark
Apache License 2.0
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commonmark html markdown react remark remark-plugin


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Allows the use of commonmark generic directive extension in markdown, generating components through remark-html or remark-react.

This module also works in browser environments.

📖 Release Notes


Here's a demo using remark-react and react-toolbox. It is made using create-react-app, the source is here and can also be run locally.

Edit medfreeman/remark-generic-extensions: react-toolbox-icon


Remember that the following syntax is experimental in regards to the commonmark spec, and will perhaps never be supported officialy.

Generic Directives is still in active discussion in . But for brainstorming purposes, here is some possible extensions to support, or at least adhere to if not included.

It might look like !extensionName[](){} for inline

and for block (Current talk page at )

extentionNames: argumentField 
{ #id .class key1=value key2=value }

There is a known bug in remark-react < 4.0.1, that wrongly coerces non-string values to strings.

Make sure to use at least v4.0.1.


Inline extensions


:information_source: The extension syntax is validated through regexes, that you can inspect here if needed

Block extensions

Extension: Argument

:information_source: The extension syntax is validated through regexes, that you can inspect here if needed

Available properties


npm install remark-generic-extensions


yarn add remark-generic-extensions

Usage (es6)

with remark-react

See demo

with remark-html

Say we have the following file,

# Alpha

!alert[My message!](my subtext is rad){ #my-alert .custom-alert }

youtube: C8NAYW-Z54o
My featured video!
{ #my-video .custom-video-style spanClassName=custom-span-class }

## Bravo

## Delta

And our script, example.js, looks as follows:

import vfile from "to-vfile"
import remark from "remark"
import genericExtensions from "remark-generic-extensions"
import html from "remark-html"

    elements: {
      alert: {
        html: {
          tagName: "span",
          children: [
              type: "element",
              tagName: "i",
              properties: {
                className: "fa fa-exclamation",
                ariaHidden: true
              type: "element",
              tagName: "span",
              children: [
                  type: "text",
                  value: "::content::"
              type: "element",
              tagName: "span",
              properties: {
                className: "subtext"
              children: [
                  type: "text",
                  value: "::argument::"
    youtube: {
      html: {
        tagName: "div",
        children: [
            type: "element",
            tagName: "iframe",
            properties: {
              width: 420,
              height: 315,
              src: ""
            tagName: "span",
            properties: {
              className: "::prop::spanClassName::"
            children: [
                type: "text",
                value: "::content::"
.process(vfile.readSync(''), (err, file) => {
  if (err) throw err

Now, running node example yields (indented):


  <span id="my-alert" class="custom-alert">
    <i class="fa fa-exclamation" aria-hidden="true"></i>
    <span>My message!</span>
    <span class="subtext">my subtext is rad</span>

<div class="custom-video-style" id="my-video">
  <iframe width="420" height="315" src=""></iframe>
  <span class="custom-span-class">My featured video!</span>




remark().use(genericExtensions[, options])

Convert generic extensions in a markdown document to an hast syntax tree, suitable for rendering to html / react.

options (object)

All options are validated through joi. You can find the schema here. In case of error, it will be logged to the console and this module bypassed by remark.


Elements (object)

This object defines the extensions configuration.

The keys are strings corresponding to the inline extension names (i.e. Icon).

You can define one or more extensions if needed.


Hast (array[object])

This structure is a hast tree, with a few restrictions.

It is recursive, the children property also being of Hast type.


HastProperties (object)

This object pairs are mapped to hast properties, and thus follow the same rules.


:information_source: Any property present in a markdown extension and not referenced by a placeholder will be applied to the top-level element.

:information_source: If the content property is not referenced on a block element, it will be applied to a child text node of the top-level element.


The value property and all properties members in Hast children support placeholders.

The available placeholders are:

:information_source: the available properties are id, className or any other property defined in your markdown.

Specifying the placeholderAffix option allows changing the placeholders. For example, using "||" would make the available placeholders become "||content||", "||argument||" and "||prop||property||".


All logging, except the options validation that is directly logged to the console, takes place through vfile-reporter.

It allows having nice error messages with positional information, and is also the standard way of logging with unifiedjs.

By default, this module logs warnings, but enabling the debug option will also log debug messages, useful for troubleshooting.

logging example (es6)

```javascript import remark from "remark" import genericExtensions "remark-generic-extensions" import html from "remark-html" import report from "vfile-reporter" remark() .use(genericExtensions, {}) .use(html) .process(input, function(err, file) { console.log(report(err || file)) }) ```

debugging example (es6)

```javascript import remark from "remark" import genericExtensions "remark-generic-extensions" import html from "remark-html" import report from "vfile-reporter" remark() .use(genericExtensions, { debug: true }) .use(html) .process(input, function(err, file) { console.log(report(err || file)) }) ```



Apache License 2.0

Copyright (c) Mehdi Lahlou