media-explorer / jhbuild-mex

A jhbuild module set to compile the media explorer
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MediaExplorer - JHBuild

jhbuid-mex is a repository containing scripts and a JHBuild moduleset for building and developing the MediaExplorer User Shell and related libraries.


Install the following dependencies (on Debian) :

bison flex libdbus-glib-1-dev libgdu-dev libgudev-1.0-dev libicu-dev

You should check out JHBuild from the GNOME Git repository:

git clone git://

Then build it and install it.

Then, from within your jhbuild-mex clone run:

make install

This command will install:

Building MediaExplorer

To build the whole MediaExplorer UI:

jhbuild-mex build

This will also take care of the dependencies.

The modules will be downloaded under $HOME/mex/source. The modules will be installed under $HOME/mex/install

Running MediaExplorer

To run MediaExplorer:

cd $HOME/mex/install/bin

Start a jhbuild shell:

jhbuild-mex shell

Start Tracker (the version installed by jhbuild):

./tracker-control -s

Then start MediaExplorer:


Common issues

Q: Why jhbuild can't find the MediaExplorer modules file? A: The default modules file is expected to be at:


If you've installed jhbuild-mex to a different location, edit the jhbuildrc-mex-custom configuration file, uncommenting and editing the


line. Using the absolute path to the mex.modules file should work.

Q: Why doesn't start? A: In order to activate a D-Bus service installed within the JHBuild root you have to modify the /etc/dbus-1/session.conf file by adding the following line:


Where @PREFIX@ is the prefix used by JHBuild -- the user's home directory by default.

You will have to restart D-Bus, which usually means logging out or a complete reboot.