mediacloud / rss-fetcher

Intelligently fetch lists of URLs from a large collection of RSS Feeds as part of the Media Cloud Directory.
Apache License 2.0
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MC Backup RSS Fetcher

The code Media Cloud server wasn't performing well, so we made this quick and dirty backup project. It gets a prefilled in list of the RSS feeds MC usually scrapes each day (~130k). Then throughout the day it tries to fetch those. Every night it generates a synthetic RSS feed with all those URLs.

Files are available afterwards at http://my.server/rss/mc-YYYY-MM-dd.rss.gz.

See documentation in doc/ for more details.

Install for Development

For development using dokku, see doc/

For development directly on your local machine:

  1. Install postgresql & redis
  2. Create a virtual environment: python -mvenv venv
  3. Active the venv: source venv/bin/activate
  4. Install prerequisite packages: pip install -r requirements.txt
  5. Create a postgres user: sudo -u postgres createuser -s MYUSERNAME
  6. Create a database called "rss-fetcher" in Postgres: createdb rss-fetcher
  7. Run alembic upgrade head to initialize database.
  8. cp .env.template .env (little or no editing should be needed)

BOTH should be run before merging to main (or submitting a pull request).

All config parameters should be fetched via fetcher/ and added to .env.template


Various scripts run each separate component:

Development Docs


See doc/ and dokku-scripts/ for procedures and scripts.