medialab / aime-core

Core engine of the AIME project serving its harmonized database.
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An Inquiry into Modes of Existence

This repository holds the source code driving the new core of the AIME project.

This project has been built for a research project which has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) / ERC Grant ‘IDEAS’ 2010 n° 269567”.

It mainly consist of a centralized data model stored within a Neo4j database and served through a single API server written in node.

Once the API is online, each one of the three AIME interfaces (inquiry, crossings and admin) will plug itself on it to function.



Mounting the server

First you need to clone this repository and enter the resultant folder.

git clone git+
cd aime-core

Install the node dependencies:

npm install

Then you need to copy the config.example.json file and edit it to adjust the API to your settings.

cp config.example.json config.json
vim config.json

Importing external elements

Some elements are external to this repository and must be included if you want the interfaces to work correctly:


The NovelPro fonts must be included in the three interfaces here:


Both pdfs and images must be put in a resources folder at the root of the folder. (You can alternatively change this path through the api.resources settings in config.json).

Migrating the database (or importing the data from an existing instance)

To build the harmonized Neo4j database, you need to migrate data from both the inquiry MySQL one and the crossings Mongo one.

To do so, be sure your config.json is correctly set and run the following command (it will take ~5min so be patient):

npm run migrate

Installing the interfaces dependencies


Be sure to have gulp installed globally:

(sudo) npm install -g gulp

Go into interfaces/inquiry and run npm install.

Then copy the config file and edit it to fit your needs:

cp config.example.js config.js
vim config.js


Be sure to have both grunt and bower installed globally:

(sudo) npm install -g grunt grunt-cli bower

Install both npm and bower dependencies

npm install && bower install

Then copy the config file and edit it to fit your needs:

cp config.example.json config.json
vim config.json


npm install

Then copy the config file and edit it to fit your needs:

cp config.example.json config.json
vim config.json


See our ghost fork poltergeist.

Installing Biblib

Follow the instructions here and import the data from an existing corpus.


Running the API server

npm start

Running the interfaces

Enter the relevant interface into the interfaces folder and use:

npm start

Long term running

We currently use the pm2 npm package to run the API server while serving the interfaces through Apache. But you are free to use whatever fits your needs.

Don't forget to pass the harmony flag to node (required by the essence library) in order to be able to run the API server:

pm2 start --node-args='--harmony' ./scripts/start.js

Don't forget to set NODE_ENV to prod also.

You can also use the following npm script:

npm run prod

Misc information

Folder Structure


Updating Biblib information

npm run biblib

Running the unit tests

npm test
