medialab / reanalyse

django platform to explore TEI verbatims, documents & speakers within structured qualitative studies
5 stars 9 forks source link


To understand how the reanalyse project works, you'll need to read carefully:


git source

$ sudo aptitude install git
$ mkdir /var/opt/reanalyse
$ git clone reanalyse

java for SOLR

$ sudo aptitute install default-jre

mod xsendfile

$ sudo aptitude install apache2-threaded-dev
$ apxs2 -iac mod_xsendfile.c

haystack + django_tables2 (not used anymore ?)

$ sudo pip install django-haystack
$ sudo pip install django-tables2


$ sudo aptitude install python-dev
$ sudo aptitude install python-lxml


$ hg clone
$ sudo pyton python-solr/ install

python-magic (used to detect file mimetype)

$ sudo easy_install python-magic

apache > django conf

$ vi /apache/reanalyse.conf
$ vi /apache/django.wsgi

absent directories


remplacer ident par md5 pour local désactiver les autres host

$ sudo vi /etc/postgresql/8.4/main/pg_hba.conf

check port 5432 postgresql conf

$ sudo vi /etc/postgresql/8.4/main/postgresql.conf

create db and user

$ sudo su - postgres
$ psql
$ postgres=# create user reanalyse with password 'password';
$ postgres=# CREATE DATABASE reanalyse WITH OWNER=reanalyse;
$ postgres=# grant all privileges on database reanalyse to reanalyse;
$ postgres=# \q

sync django db

$ python syncdb

apache conf

$ sudo ln -s /var/opt/reanalyse/apache/reanalyse.conf /etc/apache2/sites-available/
$ sudo a2ensite reanalyse.conf
$ sudo service apache2 reload

Static Html Pages

files are stored within the ./template/content/ dir

django Internationalization how-to

within template

{% load i18n %}
{% comment %}Translators: Login page title{% endcomment %}
<title>{% trans 'Login Page' %}</title>

within view

from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
mystring = _('congratulations')


$ sudo apt-get install gettext

from django project root, do:

$ sudo makemessages --ignore ./upload --ignore ./media --ignore ./solr -a

manually translate file ./locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/django.po

$ compilemessages

solr is based on the default conf (from example), except for

Normalisation process

Alt text

more about icons for paraverbal

the normalisation process is described within the "Method" page in the website ./templates/content/method_content_fr.html

to add more icons, please refer to the comments within the ./reanalyseapp/ file

django models & views

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