mediawiki-utilities / python-mwcites

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Extract academic citations from Wikipedia

This project contains a utility for extracting academic citation identifiers.

NOTE: As one of its dependencies (Mediawiki-Utilities <>_) requires Python 3 so does mwcites.

pip install mwcites


There's really only one utility in this package called mwcitations.


$ mwcitations extract enwiki-20150112-pages-meta-history*.xml*.bz2 > citations.tsv


Documentation is provided $ mwcitations extract -h.


Extracts academic citations from articles from the history of Wikipedia
articles by processing a pages-meta-history XML dump and matching regular
expressions to revision content.

Currently supported identifiers include:

 * PubMed
 * DOI
 * arXiv

Outputs a TSV file with the following fields:

 * page_id: The identifier of the Wikipedia article (int), e.g. 1325125
 * page_title: The title of the Wikipedia article (utf-8), e.g. Club cell
 * rev_id: The Wikipedia revision where the citation was first added (int),
           e.g. 282470030
 * timestamp: The timestamp of the revision where the citation was first
              added. (ISO 8601 datetime), e.g. 2009-04-08T01:52:20Z
 * type: The type of identifier, e.g. pmid, pmcid, doi, isbn or arxiv
 * id: The id of the cited scholarly article (utf-8),
       e.g 10.1183/09031936.00213411

    mwcites extract -h | --help
    mwcites extract <dump_file>...

    -h --help        Shows this documentation