medienbaecker / kirby-modules

Plugin for modular Kirby websites
MIT License
73 stars 7 forks source link

Kirby Modules

This plugin makes it super easy to create modular websites with Kirby.


📦 Module Creation

🧩 Core Functionality

⚙️ Customization Options



Download this repository to /site/plugins/kirby-modules.

Alternatively, you can install it with composer: composer require medienbaecker/kirby-modules

Quick Start

  1. Install the plugin
  2. Set up your first module in site/blueprints/modules/[module].yml and site/snippets/modules/[module].php
  3. Add a modules section to a page blueprint and create some modules
  4. Render the modules in your template with <?= $page->modules() ?>

I created an example repository with Kirby's plainkit, this plugin and three very simple modules.


What's a Module?

A module is a regular page, differentiated from other pages by being inside a modules container. This approach makes it possible to use pages as modules without sacrificing regular subpages.

📄 Page
  📄 Subpage A
  📄 Subpage B
  🗂 Modules
    📄 Module A
    📄 Module B

Creating Modules

Similar to blocks, you can create module blueprints in site/blueprints/modules/ and module templates in site/snippets/modules/. E.g. site/blueprints/modules/text.yml and site/snippets/modules/text.php.

It's also possible to use a separate site/modules/ folder. In this case, you create your module blueprint in site/modules/text/text.yml and the module template in site/modules/text/text.php.

Adding Modules to Pages

Add a modules section to any page blueprint and a modules container will be automatically created.

Rendering Modules

In the template you can use <?= $page->modules() ?> to render the modules.



title: Default Page
  modules: true


<?= $page->modules() ?>


title: Text Module
  textarea: true


<div class="<?= $module->moduleId() ?>" id="<?= $module->uid() ?>">
  <h1><?= $module->title() ?></h1>
  <?= $module->textarea()->kt() ?>

You can access the module page object with $module and the parent page object with $page. The $module->moduleId() method returns the module ID as a BEM class, e.g. module--text or module--gallery.


The following options are available to add to your site/config/config.php:

Default Module Blueprint

return [
  'medienbaecker.modules.default' => 'gallery' // default: 'text'

Exclude Module Blueprints

return [
  'medienbaecker.modules.exclude' => [

Automatically generate slug

return [
  'medienbaecker.modules.autoslug' => true

Autopublish Modules

return [
  'medienbaecker.modules.autopublish' => true

Enable redirect

return [
  'medienbaecker.modules.redirect' => true


Custom Module Model

This plugin creates a ModulePage model, overwriting certain methods. You can extend this model with your own model:

// site/config/config.php

return [
  'medienbaecker.modules.model' => 'CustomModulePage'
// site/models/module.php

class CustomModulePage extends ModulePage {
  // methods...

Manually define available modules

By default, this plugin automatically populates the create option of the modules section with all modules. If you want to manually define the available modules, you can do so in your blueprint:

    - module.text
    - module.images


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.