medizininformatik-initiative / fhir-data-evaluator

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Fhir Data Evaluator


The goal of this project is to provide a service that allows for evaluation of FHIR Measure resources.


When running the Fhir Data Evaluator with Docker, it will require a Measure resource file as input and save the resulting MeasureReport into a Directory named after the current date combined with the Measure's name (specified in the 'name' field). If specified, additional CSV files will be created that represent the MeasureReport.

An example of a Measure can be found here.

MeasureReport as Output only:

docker run -v <your/measurefile.json>:/app/measure.json -v <your/output/dir>:/app/output -e FHIR_SERVER=<http://your-fhir-server/fhir> -it

MeasureReport and CSV Output:

docker run -v <your/measurefile.json>:/app/measure.json -v <your/output/dir>:/app/output -e CONVERT_TO_CSV=true -e FHIR_SERVER=<http://your-fhir-server/fhir> -it

Usage with Docker Networks

Time Zones

When generating the CSV files from the MeasureReport, the files will be saved in a directory named after the current date combined with the Measure's name. Since it is run inside a Docker container, the time zone might differ from the one on the host machine. If you want to match the time zones, add for example -e TZ=Europe/Berlin:

docker run -v <your/measurefile.json>:/app/measure.json -v <your/output/dir>:/app/output -e CONVERT_TO_CSV=true -e FHIR_SERVER=<http://your-fhir-server/fhir> -e TZ=Europe/Berlin -it

Passing Additional Environment Variables:

The environment variables are used inside the docker container, so if they are set only on the host machine, they won't be visible in the container. Each additional environment variable can be passed using the -e flag.

Environment Variables

Name Default Description
FHIR_SERVER http://localhost:8080/fhir The base URL of the FHIR server to use.
FHIR_USER The username to use for HTTP Basic Authentication.
FHIR_PASSWORD The password to use for HTTP Basic Authentication.
FHIR_MAX_CONNECTIONS 4 The maximum number of connections to open towards the FHIR server.
FHIR_MAX_QUEUE_SIZE 500 The maximum number FHIR server requests to queue before returning an error.
FHIR_PAGE_COUNT 1000 The number of resources per page to request from the FHIR server.
FHIR_BEARER_TOKEN Bearer token for authentication.
MAX_IN_MEMORY_SIZE_MIB 10 The maximum in-memory buffer size for the webclient in MiB.
GENERATE_CSV false Whether for the MeasureReport should be generated CSV files.
