medtoure18 / codeceptjs-xray-helper

A Codeceptjs helper which can publish tests results on Xray api
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jira_request_timing_info request timed out #1

Closed khanzzirfan closed 4 years ago

khanzzirfan commented 4 years ago

Hi , The jira software we have in company is very very slow to load. Is it possible to add some wait in xray plugin?

<form id="jira_request_timing_info" class="dont-default-focus" >                                                                                               
        <fieldset class="parameters hidden">                                                                                                                   
                <input type="hidden" title="jira.request.start.millis" value="1597283846850" />                                                                
                <input type="hidden" title="jira.request.server.time" value="592" />                                                                           
                <input type="hidden" title="" value="717x388194x4" />                                                                           
                <input type="hidden" title="jira.session.expiry.time" value="-" />                                                                             
                <input type="hidden" title="" value="-" />                                                                          
                <input id="jiraConcurrentRequests" type="hidden" name="jira.request.concurrent.requests" value="4" />                                          
                <input type="hidden" title="" value="44" />                                                                                 
                <input type="hidden" title="" value="5" />                                                                                 
                <input type="hidden" title="" value="103" />                                                                                
                         REQUEST ID : 717x388194x4                                                                                                             
                  REQUEST TIMESTAMP : [13/Aug/2020:11:57:26 +1000]                                                                                             
                       REQUEST TIME : 0.5920                                                                                                                   
                         ASESSIONID : 146t0e5                                                                                                                  
                CONCURRENT REQUESTS : 4                                                                                                                        
                            NODE ID : jira-dc2-app1                                                                                                            

                              db.reads : OpSnapshot{name='db.reads', invocationCount=46, elapsedTotal=44899282, elapsedMin=634738, elapsedMax=3829716, resultSe
tSize=0, cpuTotal=0, cpuMin=0, cpuMax=0}                                                                                                                       
                             db.writes : OpSnapshot{name='db.writes', invocationCount=5, elapsedTotal=5010337, elapsedMin=914354, elapsedMax=1157696, resultSet
Size=0, cpuTotal=0, cpuMin=0, cpuMax=0}                                                                                                                        
                              db.conns : OpSnapshot{name='db.conns', invocationCount=86, elapsedTotal=103432963, elapsedMin=636932, elapsedMax=8597593, resultS
etSize=0, cpuTotal=0, cpuMin=0, cpuMax=0}                                                                                                                      


undefined:2            ```                                                                                                                                        
medtoure18 commented 4 years ago

I can add an option with a timeout. To the request made to jira on Index.js file. request({ url: config.jira_url + "/rest/raven/1.0/import/execution", headers: { "content-type": "application/json", 'Authorization': 'Basic ' + Buffer.from(config.jira_user + ':' + config.jira_password).toString('base64') }, method: 'POST', timeout: 120000, body: info + tests + "]}"

If it's urgent, you can make the correction with a pull request

khanzzirfan commented 4 years ago

Thank you. not too urgent task. But I guess. I may not have correct jira rights and its failing. I'll do the correction and will come back to you here. what ever the outcome is. Thank you.

medtoure18 commented 4 years ago

fixed in