meduzen / dotfiles

Fast macOS installation for Macbook computers running on Apple Silicon. Rather personal.
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dotfiles dotfiles-macos macos macos-setup


These instructions partly automates the setup of a device using macOS with an Apple Silicon ship.

Setup your Mac

Deeply inspired by Dries Vints dotfiles repository.

  1. Update macOS to the latest version (System Preferences / Software Update).
  2. Install Xcode from the App Store and open it.
  3. Install macOS Command Line Tools by running xcode-select --install in Terminal.
  4. Install Rosetta by running sudo softwareupdate --install-rosetta.
  5. Copy your public and private SSH keys to ~/.ssh and make sure their permissions are set to 600.
  6. Add your SSH private keys to the authentication agent by running ssh-add ~/.ssh/private_key_name.
  7. Clone this repository to ~/.dotfiles.
  8. Append /usr/local/bin/zsh to the end of your /etc/shells file. ⚠️ seems not needed, to be confirmed
  9. Enter the .dotfiles directory and run chmod +x (check if still necessary after #583a9a5).
  10. Run ./ to start the installation.
  11. Restore preferences by running mackup restore (make sure your storage provider is connected).
  12. Restart your computer to finalize the process.

Post setup

  1. Go to the App Store to retrieve the apps that are not in your Brewfile.
  2. And now, some app by app notes… 👇

Apple Simulator

In Xcode:




Sublime Text