meekostuff / preamp

Use the AMP-HTML engine without giving up on valid HTML.
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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Use the AMP-HTML engine without giving up on valid HTML.

WARNING: This project is still experimental. Expect usage to change and the documentation to be out-of-date.



Question: Can you create an AMP-powered site without giving up on valid HTML content?

  1. No. AMP dictates that your pages must replace some valid HTML tags with AMP-specified custom-elements.

  2. Yes, if you pre-process your valid HTML into AMP-HTML before the AMP engine initializes.

Implementing pre-processing would be straight-forward except that modern browsers implement resource prefetching during page load, even of resources that the pre-processing might remove or disable. ( Working-around this prefetching is, in fact, one of the main reasons for AMP-HTMLs existence. The most commonly used AMP-HTML tag is <amp-img> to replace <img>. )

preAMP works around this prefetching by redirecting the browser to a viewer-page to cancel the prefetching and implement preprocessing of the landing-page's content to use AMP-HTML. All AMP scripts go in the viewer-page rather than the content page.

NOTE: preAMP is actually a small extension to Interception. The project page for Interception is also instructive.

TODO: Overview should go in a separate page or a wiki.

Browser support

Like AMP, preAMP requires features only available in recent versions of popular browsers. It will not even start on unsupported browsers so the fallback behavior of pages is simply defined by their own styles and scripts rather than the viewer page.

preAMP can run on browsers which support history.pushState, native XMLHttpRequest and (for now) native Promise. These are available on recent versions of browsers in significant use today, except that Promises are not available on IE - they are only implemented in Edge.

WARN: Ideally preAMP would precheck that the viewer-page and all its stylesheets, fonts, scripts, etc were downloadable and valid / appropriate for the current browser.


preAMP is available under MPL 2.0. See the MPL 2.0 FAQ for your obligations if you intend to modify or distribute preAMP or part thereof. preAMP depends on Interception which is available under the same terms.

See the AMP-HTML project for licensing terms of AMP resources.


If you have any questions or comments, don't hesitate to contact the author via web, email or twitter.


  1. Copy or clone the preAMP project files to a sub-directory of your domain on your server, say

  2. Open a supported browser and navigate to the following page

    Visually inspect the displayed page for the following possible failures:

    • text indicating that it is from the viewer page
    • TODO: the test-pages don't illustrate preamp translation
  3. Create a viewer page with styles and scripts but no content. Source the preAMP runner-script with this line in the <head>

    <script src=""></script>

    The runner-script

    • MUST be in the <head> of the page
    • MUST NOT have @async or @defer
    • MUST be before any scripts
    • MUST be before any stylesheets - <link rel="stylesheet" /> or <style>
  4. Source the preAMP boot-script into your pages with this line in the <head> of each page

    <script src=""></script>

    The boot-script

    • MUST be in the <head> of the page
    • MUST NOT have @async or @defer
    • MUST be before any scripts
    • MUST be before any stylesheets - <link rel="stylesheet" /> or <style>

More details including boot options can be found in Interception: Boot Configuration.

Quick Start

Create a HTML document (page.html) with some page specific content. Page-specific meta-data and fallback-styles should go in <head>.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html manifest="/viewer.html"><!-- @manifest is the link to the viewer page -->
    <!-- source the preAMP boot-script -->
    <script src=""></script>
    <title>Page One</title>
    <!-- include fallback stylesheets for when preAMP doesn't run. -->
    .styled-from-page { background-color: red; color: white; }

    <main><!-- Primary content -->
        <h1>Page One<h1>
        <img src="" />
        <div class="styled-from-viewer">
        This content is styled by the viewer stylesheet
        <div class="styled-from-page">
        This content is styled by the page stylesheet which will not apply in the viewer. 


Create the viewer document (viewer.html). This is a normal page of HTML that, when viewed in the browser, will appear as the final page without the page specific content.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <!-- source the preAMP runner-script -->
    <script src=""></script>
    <!-- source AMP scripts. No @async -->
    <script src=""></script>
    <script custom-element="amp-fit-text" src=""></script>
    <script custom-element="amp-carousel" src=""></script>
    .styled-from-viewer { border: 2px solid blue; }

When page.html is loaded into the browser, preAMP will redirect to viewer.html and then load and merge page.html using AJAX, replacing the <body> of viewer.html with that of page.html.

This process results in a DOM tree something like this:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <!-- source the preAMP runner-script -->
    <script src=""></script>
    <!-- source AMP scripts. No @async -->
    <script src=""></script>
    <script custom-element="amp-fit-text" src=""></script>
    <script custom-element="amp-carousel" src=""></script>
    .styled-from-viewer { border: 2px solid blue; }
    <title>Page One</title>
    <!-- NOTE: no page specific style -->

    <main><!-- Primary content -->
        <h1>Page One<h1>
        <amp-img src=""></amp-img>
        <div class="styled-from-viewer">
        This content is styled by the viewer stylesheet
        <div class="styled-from-page">
        This content is styled by the page stylesheet which will not apply in the viewer. 



This section lists the AMP-HTML elements and what HTML elements are translated to them.
WARN: Expect this section to change / expand.



