meetveracity / coding-challenge-app

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Setup for Ruby on Rails

Note for Windows 10 Pro users: When installing programs, ensure that none of file paths have spaces in them (e.g. C:\Users\Program Location vs C:\Users\ProgramLocation). The first one will cause problems with Ruby on Rails.
  1. Download and install the current stable versions of:
    JAVA 11 JDK, JRuby ((<= - Desired Executable Setup File), Maven, Yarn, PostgreSQL, and Node
    (When acquiring the JDK and JRuby, ensure they are both the 64-bit versions and allow paths to be modified)  (install instructions at (Remember the password assigned during installation)
  2. Download JRuby JAR complete file (and place it into the base directory JRuby was installed into)
  3. Ensure GIT is working on the development machine and clone the following Repo:

    Wherever the clone is created will hereafter be referred to as the Rails root.

  4. Create a batch file in the Rails root named options.bat and copy the following into it and changing the marked lines as needed for the local environment (Including removing the > at the beginning of the lines):

    @echo off
    set JRUBY_OPTS=--dev -J-Xmx2g -J-Djava.awt.headless=true -J-Dcatalina.base=./logs/java_logs
    >set GEM_HOME=<Up one directory from the repo then mkdir gem_home.  That entire absolute path (up one from repo + \gem_home)>
    >set JRUBY_HOME=<Full absolute path of the install folder for ruby>
    >set JRUBY_JAR=<Full absolute path of the install folder for ruby and full name of JAR File that was copied earlier>
    >set JAVA_HOME=<Full absolute path of the install folder for the Java JDK>
    set PATH=%GEM_HOME%\bin;%JRUBY_HOME%\bin;%JAVA_HOME%\bin;.\bin;%PATH%;
    set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% --add-opens java.base/
    set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% --add-opens java.base/java.nio.channels=org.jruby.dist
    set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% --add-opens java.base/
    set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% --add-opens java.base/
    set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% --add-opens java.logging/java.util.logging=org.jruby.dist
    set DATABASE_USER=dsbpa
  5. At a command prompt, run the following commands while in Rails root:

    gem install bundler
    bundle install
    yarn install
  6. At the command prompt run the following command to bring up the PostgreSQL command line interface (CLI)

    psql -U postgres

    (The password will be the one that was set during postgreSQL installation)

  7. Once the CLI is available, type the following commands

    CREATE USER dsbpa WITH PASSWORD 'dsbpa';
    CREATE DATABASE dsbpa_development;
    CREATE DATABASE dsbpa_test;
    CREATE DATABASE dsbpa_production;
    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE dsbpa_development TO dsbpa;
    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE dsbpa_production TO dsbpa;
  8. At a command prompt, run the following commands while in the Rails root and then restart the Rails server (if the rails server says you have pending migrations, rerun this):

    rake db:migrate
    rake db:seed
  9. After you restart the Rails server, run the following commands while in the Rails root:

  10. Open a second command prompt/terminal and run the following while in the Rails root:

  11. After this is running, the website should be running locally. To test, go to:



To build a war:

mvn clean package

To build a war without running any tests (useful when you want to avoid a dependency on a database).

 mvn -f no_test_pom.xml clean package

Look in the target directory when done for dsbpa-1.00-SNAPSHOT.war. When deploying to Tomcat rename the war file to 'dsbpa.war' so the initial context is only 'dsbpa'

Docker notes (runs in docker http://localhost:8080/dsbpa)

Bring docker up in foreground

docker-compose up

Pull latest war

docker-compose pull

Test my local changes after running the maven build locally

docker-compose up --build

If you are having database issues with connections you can remove the local volumes

docker-compose down -v

Run in background

docker-compose up -d

Kill my background docker

docker-compose down

Execute command in docker container

docker-compose exec dsbpa ls -la

Show stdout

docker-compose logs dsbpa

Running Selenium Tests


You must install the Selenium side runner and add it to your PATH. Make sure you have Chrome installed on your machine.

yarn global add selenium-side-runner

Add the chromedriver.exe to your Windows PATH. This file can be downloaded from test/selenium

Running the test in the command line

To run a suite of tests in the command line, open up a new Bash instance and run the following:

selenium-side-runner -c "browserName=chrome chromeOptions.args=[headless,no-sandbox,disable-dev-shm-usage]" ./test/selenium/coding-challenge-app.side

You may create your own test cases by using the Selenium IDE Chrome extension and exporting the .side file. The coding-challenge-app.side is the default test suite that is used in the Jenkins build.

Running a local build to test new changes

docker-compose pull
mvn -f no_test_pom.xml clean package
docker-compose up

Additional Notes

To run the scripts on a different URL (such as a production environment, you may pass it in as a parameter:

selenium-side-runner --base-url https://localhost

The official build process exports the test results in a report format. To produce a report locally, pass in the output directory and the format you want the report in:

selenium-side-runner --output-directory=results --output-format=jest

Additional information on the side runner can be found at