megagonlabs / ditto

Code for the paper "Deep Entity Matching with Pre-trained Language Models"
Apache License 2.0
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Ditto: Deep Entity Matching with Pre-Trained Language Models

Update: a new light-weight version based on new versions of Transformers

Ditto is an entity matching (EM) solution based on pre-trained language models such as BERT. Given a pair of data entries, EM checks if the two entries refer to the same real-world entities (products, businesses, publications, persons, etc.). Ditto leverages the powerful language understanding capability of pre-trained language models (LMs) via fine-tuning. Ditto serializes each data entry into a text sequence and casts EM as a sequence-pair classification problem solvable by LM fine-tuning. We also employ a set of novel optimizations including summarization, injecting domain-specific knowledge, and data augmentation to further boost the performance of the matching models.

For more technical details, see the Deep Entity Matching with Pre-Trained Language Models paper.


Install required packages

conda install -c conda-forge nvidia-apex
pip install -r requirements.txt
python -m spacy download en_core_web_lg

The EM pipeline

A typical EM pipeline consists of two phases: blocking and matching. The EM pipeline of Ditto. The blocking phase typically consists of simple heuristics that reduce the number of candidate pairs to perform the pairwise comparisons. Ditto optimizes the matching phase which performs the actual pairwise comparisons. The input to Ditto consists of a set of labeled candidate data entry pairs. Each data entry is pre-serialized into the following format:

COL title VAL microsoft visio standard 2007 version upgrade COL manufacturer VAL microsoft COL price VAL 129.95

where COL and VAL are special tokens to indicate the starts of attribute names and attribute values. A complete example pair is of the format

<entry_1> \t <entry_2> \t <label>

where the two entries are serialized and <label> is either 0 (no-match) or 1 (match). In our experiments, we evaluated Ditto using two benchmarks:

We provide the serialized version of their datasets in data/. The dataset configurations can be found in configs.json.

Training with Ditto

To train the matching model with Ditto:

  --task Structured/Beer \
  --batch_size 64 \
  --max_len 64 \
  --lr 3e-5 \
  --n_epochs 40 \
  --lm distilbert \
  --fp16 \
  --da del \
  --dk product \

The meaning of the flags:

Data augmentation (DA)

If the --da flag is set, then ditto will train the matching model with MixDA, a data augmentation technique for text data. To use data augmentation, one transformation operator needs to be specified. We currently support the following operators for EM:

Operators Details
del Delete a span of tokens
swap Shuffle a span of tokens
drop_col Delete a whole attribute
append_col Move an attribute (append to the end of another attr)
all Apply all the operators uniformly at random

Domain Knowledge (DK)

Inject domain knowledge to the input sequences if the --dk flag is set. Ditto will preprocess the serialized entries by


When the --summarize flag is set, the input sequence will be summarized by retaining only the high TF-IDF tokens. The resulting sequence will be of length no more than the max sequence length (i.e., --max_len). See ditto/ for more details.

To run the matching models

Use the command:

  --task wdc_all_small \
  --input_path input/input_small.jsonl \
  --output_path output/output_small.jsonl \
  --lm distilbert \
  --max_len 64 \
  --use_gpu \
  --fp16 \
  --checkpoint_path checkpoints/

where --task is the task name, --input_path is the input file of the candidate pairs in the jsonlines format, --output_path is the output path, and checkpoint_path is the path to the model checkpoint (same as --logdir when training). The language model --lm and --max_len should be set to the same as the one used in training. The same --dk and --summarize flags also need to be specified if they are used at the training time.

Colab notebook

You can also run training and prediction using this colab notebook.