megamarc / CsTilengine

C#/Mono binding for Tilengine 2D retro graphics engine
MIT License
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License: MIT

About CsTilengine

CsTilengine is the C#/NET/Mono binding for Tilengine. It is not a direct 1:1 API translation of the original C library, but it uses familiar C# constructions as classes, arrays, etc.



Tilengine native shared library must be installed separately. Please refer to about how to do it.


.NET Framework 2.0 or later must be installed


Mono tools and runtime must be installed. In Debian-based distros please execute the following command:

sudo apt-get install mono-mcs


No install step is required. Just make sure that the Tilengine library and the tilengine.cs modules are accessible from within your own project

Basic program

The following program does these actions:

  1. Import required classes from tilengine binding
  2. Initialize the engine with a resolution of 400x240, one layer, no sprites and 20 animation slots
  3. Set the loading path to the assets folder
  4. Load a tilemap, the asset that contains background layer data
  5. Attach the loaded tilemap to the allocated background layer
  6. Create a display window with default parameters: windowed, auto scale and CRT effect enabled
  7. Run the window loop, updating the display at each iteration until the window is closed

Source code:

using Tilengine;

class test{
    static int Main(string[] args){
        int frame = 0;

        Engine engine = Engine.Init(400, 240, 1, 0, 20);
        engine.LoadPath = "assets/sonic";
        Tilemap foreground = Tilemap.FromFile("Sonic_md_fg1.tmx", null);

        Window window = Window.Create(null, WindowFlags.Vsync);
        while (window.Process ()){
            frame += 1;
        return 0;

Resulting output:


Running the samples (Windows)

There's a samples.sln Visual Studio solution file. Open it, build solution and you'll get two executables ready to run.

Running the samples (Linux/OSX)

Open a terminal window inside the "samples" directory and the following commands:

make all


CsTilengine is released under the permissive MIT license