megamattron / SplinterNet

A serverless, unblockable messaging system for Android.
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SplinterNet main image


SplinterNet is an Android app designed to create an unblockable Twitter like network that uses no cellular or Internet communications. All messages are transmitted over Bluetooth between users, creating a true peer-to-peer messaging system. All messages are anonymous to prevent retaliation by government authorities.


During times of civil unrest, governments have recently demonstrated a willingness to completely shut down Internet connections and cellular networks as a method of disrupting the organization of citizens. Additionally many governments filter politically-sensitive content, and spy on their citizens' network activity. SplinterNet provides a way to avoid government control of communications by creating a network with no central point of control.

How It Works

SplinterNet is a true peer-to-peer network in that it requires physical proximity to other people to transmit messages. In the current version this happens over a close range Bluetooth connection. To illustrate how SplinterNet works, here is an example scenario:


Project Status

This is an experimental project still in development. All of the features listed here should work, they just haven't been tested in large networks. Please let us know how it works!


SplinterNet was written by John Watkinson ( and Matt Hall ( It was designed by Alvaro Casanova (

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