Do not use this, it is broken.
I've begun a rewrite of this since the original code is bad. I want the code to be at least at the beginner level so I'm doing that. cyencavx.asm contains a encode function that works. There's some weird things going on with it that I don't understand yet. Currently for windows only since that is the platform I'm using. I've put in some effort to make it work on linux but because of said weird thing it doesn't.
The function returns size_of_output. As the old version, make sure the output buffer is sufficiently large. Notice that I've changed the order of the input/output buffer arguments. I did that because of some reason that I have since forgotten but I'm sure it was a very good reason.
How to use?! It exports two functions. These.
The function returns size_of_output. The output_buffer MUST be sufficently large to take all the data. Undefined things will happen if it's not. Just make it twice as big as input or something. Whatever. #yolo
When decoding, make sure to only decode 1 yenc part at a time and in order! It keeps track of various variables internaly. If you do NOT follow this sage advice you will get broken output.
Requires SSE2 and x64 OS
Using a ~230mb test file I got these results.
Program | Function | Speed |
cyenc | encode | ~650ms |
cyenc | decode | ~650ms |
python2-yenc | encode | ~1850ms |
python2-yenc | decode | ~1250ms |
Because the additional speed isn't worth it.