Parse acorn ast for AMD, CommonJS, and ES6 definitions.
The Nodes created align as closely as possible with the nodes generated for acorns ES6 import nodes. Example below
var acorn = require('acorn');
var umd = require('acorn-umd');
var code = `
import {a, b, c as d} from 'library';
import foo from 'foo-library';
let _ = require('lodash');
var ast = acorn.parse(code, {ecmaVersion: 6});
var imports = umd(ast, {
es6: true, amd: false, cjs: true
{ type: 'CJSImport',
{ type: 'VariableDeclaration',
start: 87,
end: 113,
declarations: [Object],
kind: 'let' },
specifiers: [ [Object] ],
start: 87,
end: 113,
{ type: 'Literal',
reference: [Object],
value: 'lodash',
raw: '\'lodash\'',
start: 103,
end: 111 }
{ type: 'ImportDeclaration',
start: 5,
end: 42,
specifiers: [ [Object], [Object], [Object] ],
{ type: 'Literal',
start: 32,
end: 41,
value: 'library',
raw: '\'library\'' }
{ type: 'ImportDeclaration',
start: 47,
end: 77,
specifiers: [ [Object] ],
{ type: 'Literal',
start: 63,
end: 76,
value: 'foo-library',
raw: '\'foo-library\'' }
let code = `
define(['foo', 'unused-import'], function($) {
return $();
let ast = acorn.parse(code, {ecmaVersion: 6});
let parsed = umd(ast, {
es6: false, amd: true, cjs: false
type: 'AMDImport',
reference: { DEFINE_NODE },
start: 12,
end: 81,
specifiers: [ { type: 'Identifier', start: 54, end: 55, name: '$' } ],
[ { type: 'Literal',
reference: [Object],
value: 'foo',
raw: '\'foo\'',
start: 20,
end: 25 },
{ type: 'Literal',
reference: [Object],
value: 'unused-import',
raw: '\'unused-import\'',
start: 27,
end: 42 } ],
// Grouped [source, variable] name array
imports: [ [ {SOURCE_NODE}, {VARIABLE_NODE} ], [ {SOURCE_NODE}, undefined ]
import {sample} from 'lodash'
let parsed = umd(ast, {
es6: false, amd: true, cjs: false
let node = sample(parsed);
let scope = node.scope; // scope is null if global otherwise a function node