megazear7 / creature-clash

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Creature Clash

Development Environment Setup

  1. Open up a console and go into the directory that you want to clone the project into.
  2. Run git clone
  3. Run cd creature-clash
  4. Run npm install
  5. Run firebase serve
  6. View 'http://localhost:5000' in your browser window.

Atom Text Editor Setup

  1. After having cloned the project from GihHub in the previous section, open Atom.
  2. Go to File > Add Project Folder.
  3. Choose the 'creature-clash' folder from the previous section.

Development Strategy

Eventually we will want to do branching instead of committing directly to the master branch. However, lets try to learn one thing at a time.

  1. Choose an issue from the Static Website GitHub project to work on and move the issue into the 'In Progress' column.
  2. Make small commits with meaningful and descriptive commit messages.
  3. When you feel like you are done with the issue, move the issue into the 'Ready for Review' column and add a comment with an @megazear7 tag, explaining the work you did.
  4. If @megazear7 feels like it is sufficiently resolved he will move the issue into the 'Done' column. Otherwise he will move it back into the 'In Progress' column with a comment explaining what needs fixed.