melanke / CascadeCanvas

A framework for canvas that follows the Javascript patterns you already know
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CascadeCanvas 1.1.0 Beta Build Status Stories in Ready Bountysource

CascadeCanvas is not just a good way to declare how to draw in HTML5 Canvas. CC takes OOP to a next level with multi-inheritance, allow you to use the flexibility of Javascript and the design patterns you already learn with JS.

The Games and Rich Internet Applications API made for who already Loves Javascript.



Comparing CSS and jQuery with CascadeCanvas

/*** CSS ***/                            |  /*** CASCADECANVAS ***/
.parentClass, .subClass1, .subClass2{    |  CC.def(“parentClass”, function(){ 
    width: 50px;                         |      this.w = 50;
    height: 50px;                        |      this.h = 50;
    background: #ff0000;                 |      //creating a layer called “base”
    position: absolute;                  |      this.layers.base = {
    border: 1px solid;                   |          shape: “rect”,
}                                        |          fill: { color: “#ff0000” }
                                         |      };
                                         |  });
.subClass1{                              |  CC.def(“subClass1”, function(){
    border-color: #00ff00;               |      this.inherit(“parentClass");
}                                        |      //merge attributes defined
                                         |      //before with this new ones
                                         |      this.merge({
                                         |          layers: {
                                         |              base: {
                                         |                  stroke: { color: “#00ff00” }
                                         |              }
                                         |          }
                                         |      });
                                         |  });
.subClass2{                              |  CC.def(“subClass2”, function(){
    left: 100px;                         |      this.x = 100;
    top: 5px;                            |      this.y = 5;
    border-color: #0000ff;               |      this.inherit(“parentClass");
}                                        |      this.merge({
                                         |          layers: {
                                         |              base: {
                                         |                  stroke: { color: “#0000ff” }
                                         |              }
                                         |          }
                                         |      });
                                         |  });
/*** HTML ***/                           |  
<div class=”subClass1></div>               |“subClass1”);
<div class=”subClass2”                   |“subClass2”).x = 160;
    style="left: 160px"></div>           |
<div class=”subClass1 subClass2”>        |“subClass1 subClass2”);
</div>                                   |
<div class=”subClass1”                   |“subClass1”, {
    style=”left: 30px; top: 10px”>       |      x: 30,
</div>                                   |      y: 10
                                         |  });
/*** JQUERY ***/                         |
$(“.subClass1”).eq(0).css({              |  CC(“subClass1”).e(0).merge({
    left: 200,                           |      x: 200,
    top: 50                              |      y: 50
});                                      |  });
                                         |  CC.startLoop();

Try in JSFiddle


Read the wiki and the first steps guide and see how much CascadeCanvas has to offer.


Search for your question at the repository issues or Stackoverflow, if you can't find it, create a new issue with the tag "question" and we will try to answe as soon as possible. We will try to answer at Stackoverflow too.

Plugins List

Lets enrich the Javascript Games community, Do you believe some class of yours may help anybody else? Create a issue with the tag "plugin" and we will add it to our list.

Do you want to contribute to make CascadeCanvas better?

Every single help is welcome, but they need to be organized: