meldurson / MountUpRestored

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This is an almost complete rewrite of Mount Up from Koosemose.

Latest Update

Version 3.3.9
* Can now manually set which attacks you want to use as your primary and secondary


Saddle Recipes:

Recipes | Tier | ID | Required Items | Crafting Station | | ---- | ----------- | ----------- |----------- | | Meadows | SaddleT1 |6 Leather Scraps, 4 Deer Hide, 2 Hard Antler, 10 Dandelion | Workbench lvl 1 | Black Forest| SaddleT2 |6 Troll Hide, 4 Deer Hide, 4 Bronze, 3 Ancient Seeds | Forge lvl 1 | Swamp | SaddleT3 |15 Deer Hide, 10 Ancient Bark, 6 Iron, 10 Guck | Forge lvl 2 | Mountain | SaddleT4 |6 Wolf Pelt, 4 Deer Hide, 2 Obsidian, 5 Silver, 10 Freeze Gland | Workbench lvl 4 | Plains | SaddleT5 |6 Lox Pelt, 4 Deer Hide, 4 Black Metal, 1 Lox Trophy, 5 Tar | Forge lvl 3 | Mistlands | SaddleT6 |15 Scale Hide, 6 Obsidian, 6 Yggdrasil Wood, 10 Sap, 3 Eitr | Workbench lvl 5 | Ashlands | SaddleT7 |10 Lox Pelt, 2 Morgen Heart, 6 Flametal, 5 Tar | Forge lvl 4 | Deep North| SaddleT8 |20 Wolf Pelt, 10 Scale Hide, 1 Iolite, 50 Freeze Gland | Artisan Table lvl 2

Installation Instructions:

If you want to share the configs or see what others have done for configs you can go here

Setting Up Mount Instructions:

Instructions * __To add a new creature to be mountable from scratch the first step is to add it to the YML file__ * To add a creature to the MountList, add the prefab name to a new line followed by a colon ":" such as for a Drake, the prefab name is Hatchling * ``` Hatchling: ``` * When you encounter this creature for the first time the full config will be completed written and attempt to stick the saddle to the correct part of the creature * The mountpath is the bone of the creature that the saddle will be stuck to. * When loading the creature for the first time, it will output the mountpath to the Bepinex window along with other alternatives it has found. * You can copy/paste these alternatives into the mountpath of the yml if you want to change the bone the saddle is stuck to. * To modify the location of the saddle and where the player sits (as by default it most likely will not be in the correct position) you will have to enable adjustments in the config * In the config *meldurson.MountUpRestored.cfg* set __Enable Adjust Custom Mounts = true__ * Now once you are in the world with adjustments enabled you will need to attach a saddle. * The default saddle tier of a config is tier 5 (Plains Tier) * You will need to use the correct tier saddle on the creature, and it will then equip the saddle on the creature * The Tiers are __1-8:__ *Each tier corresponds to a biome* (1:Meadows,2:Black Forest,3:Swamp...etc) * The saddle tier specifies what visual saddle you want and has an item to go along with it. If you want to overwrite the item that is used you can set the *customSaddle* to a specific tier such as: * ``` Dragon: saddleTier: 4 customSaddle: 6 ``` * This will give Modor a tier 4 (Mountains) visual saddle but require a Tier 6 (Mistlands) saddle to be used as the saddle item * You can also specify another item by prefab name such as: * ``` GoblinBrute: saddleTier: 5 customSaddle: SaddleLox ``` * This will give Fueling Berserkers a tier 5 (Plains) visual but you will use a standard Lox saddle as the item * If you want a more traditional simple saddle you can set the saddle tier to 0 (this will be default add the saddle item to be Tier 5 Saddle) * There is a possiblity you cannot see the saddle in its current location, or you can see it but cannot mount it, in this case you can use __Alt+E__ to force mount the saddle *(I reccomend enabling god mode before this as it does not check distance and can cause damage)* * Onced mounted can now enter edit mode __(controls at top of screen)__ and move the saddle and mount point and rotate the both saddle and mountpoint * It is reccomended to cycle controls to rotate first * Once you want to save the current location and rotation you can with __Ctrl+S__ which writes it to the YML file * Currently you cannot change the scale of the saddle when editing in game, you have to edit the scale in the YML * To reload the YML file, logout and log in * Due to scaling issues, you may need to reload and adjust the forward/back once or twice for it to scale correctly with different levels of creatures


Version 3.3.9 * Can now manually set which attacks you want to use as your primary and secondary Version 3.3.8 * Unused saddle recipes disabled * Config option added to change saddle names * Removed some console spam Version 3.3.7 * Added config option to not have block key to perform secondary attack * Added config to increase stamina regen multiplier for fed mounts * Added config option to override Lox and Asksvin stamina * Added better clearing of saddles when switching servers Version 3.3.6 * Added compatibility with RRR and WackyDB * Fixed creatures drowning once you get off with 0 stamina * Removed console spam when recipe has more than 4 requirements * Added flight compatibility with other mods that allow jumping Version 3.3.5 * Fixed issue with saddles not working without AllTameable * Added option to not have tames drown if run out of stamina in the water Version 3.3.4 * Added patch to make sure recipes with more than 4 ingredients cycle pages * Added shared content with AllTameable so patches only run once * Made custom saddles modify the correct saddle tier descriptions * Modified later stage recipes Version 3.3.3 * Updated to Ashlands Valhiem version 0.218.15 Version 3.3.2 * Updated to Valhiem version 0.217.46 * Added attack while mounted! * Added ability to toggle if mounted attack is possible Version 3.3.1 * Added 9 options for saddle visuals with each in line with a biome * Added 8 recipes, for tiers 1-8 * Added ability to specify custom item to be used to add saddle to creature * Set descriptions for each saddle to include all creatures that it can be used to mount * Fixed, "PrefabName" showing up in item description Version 3.3.0 * Made config YML based and Server Sync * Made all existing configs automatically convert into YML format * Made flying up/down less intense on smaller flying creatures * Added UI for controls for editing the mounting position * Added ability to rotate while editing in game * Reduced logs related to "Setting Saddle" * Can no longer accidentally move saddle and mount point too far away * Some slightly larger creatures no longer slide in place Version 3.2.11 * Fixed errors due to Valheim updates * Added flying and jumping

Known Issues:

Future Plans:


The most reliable way to reach out would be to ping me in the Valheim Modding Discord under @Meldurson or dm me on Discord.