List services
Services |
Events |
Spotify |
- SpotifyLikedAlbum (action/reaction)
Parameters: Formatters: - album.id
- album.name
- album.artists
- like.date
- SpotifyLikedMusic (action/reaction)
Parameters: Formatters: - track.id
- track.name
- track.artists
- like.date
Twitter |
- TwitterFollowUser (action/reaction)
Parameters:- Username (When user follows an account)
Formatters:- following.id
- following.name
- following.username
- Tweet (reaction)
Parameters:Formatters:- track.id
- track.name
- track.artists
- like.date
- TweetHashtag (action)
Parameters:Formatters: - tweet.text
- tweet.date
- tweet.id
- tweet.source
Discord |
- DiscordWebhook (reaction)
Parameters - Webhook URL
- Message title
- Message content
- DiscordPinned (action)
Parameters Formatters - msg.content
- msg.id
- author.id
- author.name
- author.mention
- msg.date
GitHub |
- GithubCreateIssue (reaction)
Parameters - Username
- Repository
- Issue title
- Issue body
- GithubCreateRepository (reaction)
Parameters - Repository name
- Repository description
- GithubIssueCreated (action)
Parameters Formatters - issue.title
- issue.id
- issue.body
- issue.date
- issue.url
- author.id
- author.name
- author.login
- GithubNewCommit (action)
Parameters Formatters - commit.sha
- commit.msg
- author.id
- author.name
- author.name
- author.login
- GithubNewRepository (action)
Parameters Formatters - repo.name
- repo.id
- repo.date
- repo.description
- repo.url
Google |
- YoutubePostComment (reaction)
Parameters - YoutubeVideoPublished (action)
Parameters Formatters - video.title
- video.id
- video.description
- video.thumbnail
Twitch |
- TwitchLiveStarted (action)
Parameters Formatters - stream.game
- stream.id
- stream.date
- stream.thumbnail
- stream.title
If you are an administrator user you will have access to the admin area:
On the admin area page, you can:
See all registered users
Delete a user
Modify a user's role (Admin/User)
Developer guide
Environment variables
At the root of the project folder, create a .env file.
This file will be read by docker to create environment variables and must contain values for the following keys:
The Mongo database:
MONGO_USERNAME = Mongo root user
MONGO_PASSWORD = Root password
MONGO_DATABASE = Name of Database used by the backend
JWTKEY = A random string with at least 16 chars
SMTP_EMAIL = Email address of your SMTP server
SMTP_PASSWORD = Password of your SMTP server
The services:
(Create a Google App):
GOOGLE_CLIENTID = ClientId of your Google app
GOOGLE_CLIENTSECRET = Client secret of your Google app
GOOGLE_APIKEY = API key of your Google app
GOOGLE_REDIRECT = Redirect URL for Google OAuth
(Create a Discord App):
DISCORD_CLIENTID = ClientId of your discord app
DISCORD_CLIENTSECRET = Client secret of your discord app
DISCORD_REDIRECT = Redirect URL for Discord OAuth
(Create a Github App):
GITHUB_CLIENTID = ClientId of your Github app
GITHUB_CLIENTSECRET = Client secret of your Github app
(Create a Spotify App):
SPOTIFY_CLIENTID = ClientId of your Spotify app
SPOTIFY_CLIENTSECRET = Client secret of your Spotify app
SPOTIFY_REDIRECT = Redirect URL for Spotify OAuth
(Create a Twitch App):
TWITCH_CLIENTID = ClientId of your Twitch app
TWITCH_CLIENTSECRET = Client secret of your Twitch app
TWITCH_REDIRECT = Redirect URL for Twitch OAuth
(Create a Twitter App):
TWITTER_CLIENTID = ClientId of your Twitter app
TWITTER_CLIENTSECRET = Client secret of your Twitter app
TWITTER_REDIRECT = Redirect URL for Twitter OAuth
Once you have all your environment variables set you can perform the following command:
docker-compose up --build
Frontend will be available at: http://localhost:8081/
Backend will be available at: http://localhost:8080/
Mongo will be available at: mongodb://MONGO_USERNAME:MONGO_PASSWORD@localhost:27017/
API limits
Be warned of the following API limitations:
10'000 requests per day
You may not tweet the same message twice.