melihcatal / advsecurenet

Machine Learning Security Library
MIT License
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adversarial-attacks adversarial-machine-learning artificial-intelligence trustworthy-ai trustworthy-machine-learning


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AdvSecureNet is a Python library for Machine Learning Security, developed by Melih Catal at University of Zurich as part of his Master’s Thesis under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Manuel Günther. The main focus of the library is on adversarial attacks and defenses for vision tasks, with plans to extend support to other tasks such as natural language processing.

The library provides tools to generate adversarial examples, evaluate the robustness of machine learning models against adversarial attacks, and train robust machine learning models. Built on top of PyTorch, it is designed to be modular and extensible, making it easy to run experiments with different configurations. AdvSecureNet supports multi-GPU setups to enhance computational efficiency and fully supports both CLI and API interfaces, along with external YAML configuration files, enabling comprehensive testing and evaluation, facilitating the sharing and reproducibility of experiments.

Table of Contents


Adversarial Attacks: AdvSecureNet supports a diverse range of evasion attacks on computer vision tasks, including gradient-based, decision-based, single-step, iterative, white-box, black-box, targeted, and untargeted attacks, enabling comprehensive testing and evaluation of neural network robustness against various types of adversarial examples.

Adversarial Defenses: The toolkit includes adversarial training and ensemble adversarial training. Adversarial training incorporates adversarial examples into the training process to improve model robustness, while ensemble adversarial training uses multiple models or attacks for a more resilient defense strategy.

Evaluation Metrics: AdvSecureNet supports metrics like accuracy, robustness, transferability, and similarity. Accuracy measures performance on clean data, robustness assesses resistance to attacks, transferability evaluates how well adversarial examples deceive different models, and similarity quantifies perceptual differences using PSNR and SSIM.

Multi-GPU Support: AdvSecureNet is optimized for multi-GPU setups, enhancing the efficiency of training, evaluation, and adversarial attack generation, especially for large models and datasets or complex methods. By utilizing multiple GPUs in parallel, AdvSecureNet aims to reduce computational time, making it ideal for large-scale experiments and deep learning models.

CLI and API Interfaces: AdvSecureNet offers both CLI and API interfaces. The CLI allows for quick execution of attacks, defenses, and evaluations, while the API provides advanced integration and extension within user applications.

External Configuration Files: The toolkit supports YAML configuration files for easy parameter tuning and experimentation. This feature enables users to share experiments, reproduce results, and manage setups effectively, facilitating collaboration and comparison.

Built-in Models and Datasets Support: AdvSecureNet supports all PyTorch vision library models and well-known datasets like CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, MNIST, FashionMNIST, and SVHN. Users can start without additional setup, but the toolkit also allows for custom datasets and models, offering flexibility for various research and applications.

Automated Adversarial Target Generation: AdvSecureNet can automatically generate adversarial targets for targeted attacks, simplifying the process and ensuring consistent and reliable results. As a user, you don't need to manually specify targets. This feature is especially useful for targeted attacks on large datasets. You can also provide custom targets if you prefer.

Supported Attacks

Supported Defenses

Supported Evaluation Metrics

Similarity Metrics

Why AdvSecureNet?

Comparison with Other Libraries

AdvSecureNet stands out among adversarial machine learning toolkits like IBM ART, AdverTorch, SecML, FoolBox, ARES, and CleverHans. Key advantages include:

Active Maintenance: Ensures ongoing support and updates. • Comprehensive Training Support: One of the few toolkits supporting both adversarial and ensemble adversarial training. • Multi-GPU Support: The first toolkit with native multi-GPU support for attacks, defenses, and evaluations, ideal for large-scale experiments. • Flexible Interfaces: The first toolkit that fully supports CLI, API usage, and external YAML configuration files for reproducibility for all features. • Performance: AdvSecureNet excels in performance, significantly reducing execution times on multi-GPU setups. For example, the multi-GPU PGD attack time (107 seconds) is faster than ARES’s best single GPU time (183 seconds). Adversarial training time is reduced from 304 seconds on a single GPU to 166 seconds with 7 GPUs, a speedup of 1.83x.

image image

[1] SecML supports attacks from CleverHans and FoolBox [2] This feature is only available for adversarial training.


You can install the library using pip:

pip install advsecurenet

Or install it from source:

git clone
cd advsecurenet
pip install -e .


The library can be used as a command line tool or as an importable Python package.

Command Line Tool

Use the advsecurenet command to interact with the library. Use advsecurenet --help to see available commands and options. It is recommended to use YAML configuration files to run experiments. You can list the available configuration options using advsecurenet utils configs list and generate a template configuration file using advsecurenet utils configs get -c <config_name> -o <output_file>.

Running an adversarial attack:

advsecurenet attack -c ./fgsm.yml

Running an adversarial defense:

advsecurenet defense adversarial-training -c ./adv_training.yml

Running an evaluation:

advsecurenet evaluate benign -c ./evaluate_benign.yml


advsecurenet evaluate adversarial -c ./evaluate_adversarial.yml

Python Package

You can import the library as a Python package. You can use the advsecurenet module to access the library. You can find the available modules and classes in the documentation.

image Usage example of AdvSecureNet demonstrating the equivalence between a YAML configuration file with a command-line interface (CLI) command and a corresponding Python API implementation.


Examples of different use cases can be found in the examples directory.


The high-level architecture of the toolkit is shown in the figure below.



The toolkit is designed to be modular and extensible. CLI and Python API are implemented separately, however, they share the same core components and they have the same package structure for the sake of consistency. Tests are implemented for both CLI and Python API to ensure the correctness of the implementation and again they follow the same structure. The toolkit is designed to be easily extensible, new attacks, defenses, and evaluation metrics can be added by implementing the corresponding classes and registering them in the corresponding registries.


The library is tested using pytest and coverage is measured using coverage. You can run the tests using the following command:

pytest tests/

Some tests take longer to run. To speed up the tests, you can use the --device option to run tests on a specific device (e.g., --device cuda:0).

pytest tests/ --device cuda:0

Tests are categorized into the following groups:

You can run tests for a specific group using the m option and the group name. For example, to run tests for the CLI:

pytest tests/ -m cli

CI/CD pipelines are set up to run tests automatically on every push and pull request. You can see the status of the tests in the badges at the top of the README.

Quality Assurance

AdvSecureNet is designed with a strong emphasis on code quality and maintainability. The toolkit follows best practices in software engineering and ensures high standards through the following measures:

By adhering to these practices and leveraging these tools, AdvSecureNet maintains a high standard of code quality, ensuring a reliable and user-friendly experience for developers and researchers alike.


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. See LICENSE for more details.

Further Information

More information about the library can be found in the documentation and in the paper when it is published (hopefully soon :smile:).