melizalab / neurobank

management system for experimental data
GNU General Public License v2.0
0 stars 1 forks source link


|ProjectStatus| |Version| |BuildStatus| |License| |PythonVersions|_

.. |ProjectStatus| image:: .. _ProjectStatus:

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.. |PythonVersions| image:: .. _PythonVersions:

neurobank is a simple data management system. It’s designed for neural and behavioral data, but could be used for other kinds of experiments. The software helps you generate unique identifiers for your data resources, including stimuli, protocols, and recording units. No more guessing what version of a stimulus you presented in an experiment, where you stored an important recording, and whether you’ve backed it up or archived it.

The data management strategy behind neurobank is simple: every resource gets a unique identifier. What are resources? Resources include sources, which are used to control an experiment, and data, which result from running the experiment. Resources do not include things that evolve, like code, figures, or manuscripts. These should be managed in a version control system.

There are two components to the neurobank system. One part is the registry, a service that stores identifiers, ensures they’re unique, and resolves identifiers to the location where the resource is stored. django-neurobank <>__ is an implementation of this service that uses a postgres backend and the django REST framework.

The second component is an archive: a storage and retrieval mechanism. That’s this package, which provides a basic filesystem-based archive for your resources. You can also use an external cloud-based service or a distributed filesystem like IPFS <>__, but for i/o-intensive pipelines you’ll want to have your data on a local disk. This package also provides a simple python and commandline interface for querying the registry.


Install the neurobank Python package and its dependencies:

.. code:: bash

pip install neurobank

Archive setup

First, initialize an archive:

.. code:: bash

nbank [-a username:password] [-r registry-url] init [-n name] my-archive-path

my-archive-path must be a directory on a locallly-accessible filesystem (which could be an NFS or SSHFS mount).

registry-url specifies the registry to use, which can be any service that implements the API defined in django-neurobank <>__ can be used. If not supplied, the script will try to use the value of the environment variable NBANK_REGISTRY. The registry URL also determines the base URL for the resource identifiers. For example, if the registry is at and you deposit a resource with the identifier st32_1_2_1, the full identifier is st32_1_2_1 is guaranteed to be unique within this domain.

If your registry requires authentication, this must be supplied with the -a flag, or in your netrc <>__ file.

The script will attempt to contact the registry service through the supplied URL and add the archive. By default, the archive is named after the basename of the archive path. For example, /home/data/intracellular would have the name intracellular. You can can override this behavior with the -n flag; however, the registry may only allow you to have one archive name for each path to avoid confusion. Then the script will create and initialize the archive under my-archive-path. You’ll get an error if the target directory already exists, or if the registry already has an archive with the same name.

Set archive policies

Edit the ```` and ``nbank.json`` files created in the archive
directory to describe your project. The ``nbank.json`` file is also
where you’ll need to set some key variables and policies. These are the
settings you may want to modify:

-  ``auto_identifiers``: If set to false (the default), when files are
   deposited, their names are used as identifiers unless the user asks
   for an automatically generated id. If set to true, every resource is
   given an automatic id.

-  ``auto_id_type``: If set to ``null`` (or not set at all), automatic
   ids are assigned by the registry. This is usually a short, random
   base-36 string. If set to ``"uuid"``, the ``nbank`` script will
   generate 128-bit UUIDs as identifiers.

-  ``require_hash``: If set to true (the default), every resource will
   have a hash value calculated and stored in the registry. The registry
   will then be able to prevent duplicate files from being deposited
   under multiple identifiers.

   -  ``keep_extensions``: If set to true (the default), files keep
      their extensions when deposited. Only one file with a given base
      identifier can be deposited, so you can’t have a
      ``st32_1_2_1.wav``, the identifier is ``st32_1_2_1``, and
      therefore you can’t also have an ``st32_1_2_1.json`` file. If set
      to false, the extension is stripped, so ``st32_1_2_1.wav`` would
      be deposited as ``st32_1_2_1``. Usually you want this to be true,
      unless your archive only contains one kind of file.

   -  ``allow_directories``: If set to true, directories and their
      contents can be deposited as resources. The identifier is given to
      the directory, and the user is responsible for knowing how to
      interpret the contents. If set to false (the default), only
      regular files can be deposited.

   -  ``access``: Specify the ``user`` and ``group`` who will own
      deposited files, and the ``umask`` to modify access mode. If these
      are not set, files will be owned by the user who deposited them.

Registering and storing resources

Before you start an experiment, register all the resources you plan to
use. For example, let’s say you’re presenting a set of acoustic stimuli
to an animal while recording neural responses. To register the stimuli:

.. code:: bash

   nbank [-a user:pass] deposit [options] my-archive-path stimfile-1 stimfile-2 ...

Each stimulus will be given an identifier and moved to the archive. The
command will output a JSON-encoded list of the resources that were
deposited, including a mapping from the identifiers to the old
filenames, if automatic identifiers were used.

The ``deposit`` command takes several options:

-  ``-d, --dtype``: specify the datatype for the deposited resources.
   Your registry may require this.
-  ``-k``: specify a metadata key-value pair. You can use this flag
   multiple times to set multiple fields.
-  ``-H, --hash``: if set, ``nbank`` will calculate a SHA1 hash of each
   file and store it in the registry. Use this if you expect the
   contents of the file to be unique.
-  ``-A, --auto-id``: if set, ``nbank`` will ask the registry to assign
   each file an automatically generated identifier, overriding the
   ``auto_identifiers`` policy if it is set to false.
-  ``-j, --json-out``: if set, the script will output info about each
   deposited file as line-deliminated JSON

Now run your experiment, making sure to record the identifiers of the
stimuli. The short identifier suffices in most cases, but make sure you
record the registry URL somewhere, too.

After the experiment, deposit the data files into the archive using the
same command. If you deposit containers or directories, you’re
responsible for organizing the contents and assigning any internal

Resource datatypes

Depending on your registry implementation, you may be required to specify a datatype for each deposited resource. This feature allows a single registry to store information about different kinds of resources. Each datatype has a name and a MIME content-type. Content-types can be from the official list <>, or they can be user-defined, like the content-type for pprox <>. You can get a list of the known datatypes with

.. code:: bash

nbank [-r registry-url] dtype list

You may be able to add datatypes to the registry with:

.. code:: bash

nbank [-a user:pass] [-r registry-url] dtype add dtype-name content-type

Retrieving resources

The deposit command moves resource files to the archive under the resources directory, so you can always manually locate your files based on the identifier. Resources are sorted into subdirectories using the first two characters of the identifier to avoid having too many files in one directory. For example, if the identifier is edd0ccae-c34c-48cb-b515-a5e6f9ed91bc, you’ll find the file under resources/ed.

nbank also acts as a command-line interface to the registry. You can perform the following operations:

Python interface

To be written

Best Practices

See docs/examples <docs/>__ for some additional notes on how the Meliza Lab uses neurobank.

Controlling access

One of the primary uses for neurobank is to allow multiple users to
share a common set of data, thereby reducing the need for temporary
copies and ensuring that a canonical, centralized backup of critical
data can be maintained. In this case, the following practices are
suggested for POSIX operating systems:

1. For each project, create a separate group and make the archive owned
   by the group. To give a user access to the data, add them to the
2. To restrict access to users not in the project group, set your umask
   to 027 before creating the archive.
3. Set the setgid (or setuid) bit on the subdirectories of the archive,
   so that files added to the archive become owned by the group.
   (``chmod 2770 resources metadata``). You may also consider setting
   the sticky bit so that files and directories can’t be accidentally
4. If your filesystem supports it, set the default ACL on subdirectories
   so that added files are accessible only to the group.
   (``setfacl -d -m u::rwx,g::rwx,o::- resources metadata``).


**neurobank** is licensed under the GNU Public License, version 2. That
means you are free to use the code for anything you want, including a
commerical work, but you have to provide the source code, including any
modifications you make. You still own your data files and any associated
metadata. See COPYING for more details.