meloncholy / vid-streamer

VidStreamer.js: A simple streamer for Flash and HTML5-style videos. Supports HTTP pseudostreaming and works with JW Player's bitrate switching.
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This project is not well maintained, we are looking for active contributors that want to take the lead on it, open an issue


VidStreamer.js: A simple streamer for Flash and other videos (and other files too). Supports HTTP pseudostreaming and works with JW Player's bitrate switching.

To make a standalone video streamer, try something like this

var http = require("http");
var vidStreamer = require("vid-streamer");

var app = http.createServer(vidStreamer);
console.log("VidStreamer.js up and running on port 3000");

And here's an example of including it in an Express app

var app = require("express").createServer();
var vidStreamer = require("vid-streamer");

app.get("/videos/", vidStreamer);


If you want to pass in the settings instead via your app, try this (thanks to Will Laurance). Settings given will be merged with the defaults (see below), so you don't need to supply them all.

var http = require("http");
var vidStreamer = require("vid-streamer");

var newSettings = {
    rootPath: "download-clips/",
    forceDownload: true

var app = http.createServer(vidStreamer.settings(newSettings));


You should be able to get it via npm install vid-streamer, or otherwise through Git of course.


There are a few things to twiddle in /config/vidStreamer.json. (Please rename vidStreamer-sample.json.)

Standalone example

    "mode": "development",
    "forceDownload": false,
    "random": false,
    "rootFolder": "/path/to/videos/",
    "rootPath": "videos/",
    "server": "VidStreamer.js/0.1.4"

Example for Express. (Note that rootPath should be relative to the root URL of your Express app.)

    "mode": "development",
    "forceDownload": false,
    "random": false,
    "rootFolder": "/path/to/express/public/",
    "rootPath": "",
    "server": "VidStreamer.js/0.1.4"

Serving random files

You can use VidStreamer to serve up random files instead of the actual file requested. This can be useful if you're demoing an app that's supposed to have hundreds of videos but you don't want to go to the trouble of making them all.


I hadn't really thought about how to write video streamer before, so Devendra Tewari's post and the xmoovStream Server source were very useful to me.

Legal fun

Copyright © 2012 Andrew Weeks

VidStreamer.js is licensed under the MIT licence.


I have a website and a Twitter thingy. Please come and say hi if you'd like; be lovely to hear from you.