meltano / files-docker

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`meltano config files-docker set --interactive` command from Hub documentation page errors #13

Open menzenski opened 1 year ago

menzenski commented 1 year ago

The Hub page for the files-docker plugin lists two steps under "Installation and configuration":

$ meltano add file files-docker


$ meltano config files-docker set --interactive

The first works fine and adds the expected files to my meltano project. The second does not work, and gives the following error:

$ meltano config files-docker set --interactive
2022-12-27T21:49:55.704652Z [info     ] The default environment 'local' will be ignored for `meltano config`. To configure a specific environment, please use the option `--environment=<environment name>`.
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Plugin 'files-docker' is not known to Meltano
tayloramurphy commented 1 year ago

@menzenski thanks for reporting this. We can update the Hub to not recommend using interactive for files bundles.