meltano / files-docker

MIT License
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Meltano project file bundle for Docker.


# Add Docker files to your Meltano project
meltano add files files-docker

By default, your Meltano project's Docker image is built from the meltano/meltano:latest base image which comes with the latest version of Meltano, and the oldest version of Python supported by Meltano, currently 3.7.

If you'd like to use a different image (e.g. in GitLab Registry, or your-company/meltano:latest), a specific version of Meltano (e.g. meltano/meltano:v1.55.0), or Python 3.8 or 3.9 (e.g. meltano/meltano:latest-python3.8 or meltano/meltano:v1.55.0-python3.9), you can modify the Dockerfile or override the MELTANO_IMAGE --build-arg.

Note: Until #3265 is resolved, we recommend caution in depending on the images as they are regularly rebuilt during CI/CD and may not be suitable for production use cases.

# Build image using latest Meltano version
docker build --tag meltano-demo-project:dev .

# Build image using Meltano version 1.55.0 and Python 3.8
docker build \
  --tag meltano-demo-project:dev \
  --build-arg MELTANO_IMAGE=meltano/meltano:v1.55.0-python3.8 \

Since the built image's entrypoint will be the meltano command, you can provide meltano subcommands and arguments directly to docker run <image-name> ... as trailing arguments.

# View Meltano version
docker run meltano-demo-project:dev --version

# List scheduled pipelines
docker run meltano-demo-project:dev schedule list