A telegram bot to serve random content from 4chan image boards.
4bot serves random images from 4chan image boards. In the commands list you can find all the available commands. Every command corresponds to a 4chan board. By executing a command, the bot will post a random image from the correspondent board (try /mu ). You can also interact with 4bot via inline queries: type the bot username in a chat and write a board's name (without the /, for example @botfourbot mu) to query that board for a list of possible contents to post. You can open the content before posting it by clicking on the thumbnail. You will post some content by clicking on the content name. Enjoy!
curl -X GET https://api.telegram.org/bot*YOUR_TOKEN*/setWebhook?url=https://*APPNAME*.herokuapp.com/telegramBot
To prevent your free heroku dyno from sleeping you can:
While the steps 1 and 2 can be automated by using the "Deploy to Heroku" button, you still have to create a bot through the BotFather, set its token and username as config vars, and set the webhook manually.
npm install -g jasmine