Implementation of our ICRA2020(Accepted)/RAL paper for the Realsene T265 fisheye stereo camera.
Menandro Roxas and Takeshi Oishi. Variational Fisheye Stereo. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters vol. 5-2, pp. 1303-1310, January 17, 2020. IEEExplore Youtube
02/19/2021: Updated project solution to CUDA11.2 and OpenCV4.5.1
03/18/2020: Link to convert disparity to depth for the dataset below (equidistant model). Converter-MATLAB. Needs .flo reader.
03/18/2020: Added sample function in main.cpp to use the dataset below (equidistant model). I didn't check if the output folder exist, so create a folder "output" in the main folder of the dataset.
03/18/2020: Added link for MATLAB scipts generating the vector fields KB model, Equidistant model. Needs .flo writer.
02/06/2020: Added 2D disparity to 3D and depth (radial) conversion. copyStereoToHost now requires the intrinsic camera parameters and distortion model coefficients (Kanala-Brandt model).
The solution consists of two projects - stereotgv and test_vfs. stereotgv generates a static library from which test_vfs links. test_vfs generates a Win32 .exe file.
There is a lib_link.h header (for both project) that links the necessary libraries. Modify the directories:
#define LIB_PATH "D:/dev/lib64/"
#define CV_LIB_PATH "D:/dev/lib64/"
#define CUDA_LIB_PATH "C:/Program Files/NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit/CUDA/v10.1/lib/x64/"
to point to the location of OpenCV (CV_LIB_PATH) and CUDA (CUDA_LIB_PATH) .lib files.
At the same time, modify the Project Properties -> VC++ Directories -> (Executables, Includes, and Libraries) to point to the location of the OpenCV and CUDA builds, too.
Executable: D:/dev/bin
Includes: D:/dev/include
Libraries: D:/dev/lib64
Real Dataset (144 image pairs with groundtruth depth): Dataset
The model used in this dataset (equidistant model) is different from the implemented code above and therefore will have a different trajectory and calibration field, which are provided for each image pairs. (TODO: sample code for using the dataset).
Folder Structure:
INTEL Realsense T265: Video 01 Video 04 Video 07 Video 16 Video 19 Video 20 Video 21
Point cloud from sample image pair: PLY file
This project is licensed under the MIT license
Menandro Roxas, Machine Learning Researcher, Line Corporation