% Same to codes of https://github.com/ZhaohuiXue/A-SPN-release Whileas it is a slim version (only with indian pines data convenient for downloading)
% A-SPN: Attention-Based Second-Order Pooling Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification DEMO.
% URL : https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9325094
% Version: 1.0
% Date : May 2021
% This demo shows the A-SPN model for hyperspectral image classification.
% main.py ....... A main script executing experiments upon IP, PU, and HU data sets.
% data.py ....... A script implementing various data manipulation functions.
% function.py ....... A script implementing the training function, the test function, and etc.
% model.py ....... A script implementing the SPN and A-SPN model.
% secondpooling.py ....... A script implementing the Second Order Pooling Operator, namely, SOP.
% spatialattention.py ....... A script implementing the Spatial Attention further improving SOP, namely, A-SOP.
% /Dataset ............... The folder including the IP, PU, and HU data sets.
% /temp_vars ............... The folder storing temporary PCA preprocessing results.
% /logs ............... The folder containing a script guiding to TensorBoard usage.
% --------------------------------------
% Note: Required core python libraries are covered
% --------------------------------------
% 1. python 3.6.5
% 2. tensorflow-gpu 1.14.0
% 3. tensorboard 1.14.0
% 4. Keras 2.2.5
% 5. opencv-python
% 6. h5py 2.10.0
% 7. matplotlib 3.3.0
% 8. numpy 1.19.4
% 9. scipy 1.5.4
% --------------------------------------
% Cite:
% --------------------------------------
% [1] Z. Xue, M. Zhang, Y. Liu and P. Du, "Attention-Based Second-Order Pooling Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification," in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2020.3048128.
% --------------------------------------
% Copyright & Disclaimer
% --------------------------------------
% The programs contained in this package are granted free of charge for
% research and education purposes only.
% Copyright (c) 2021 by Zhaohui Xue & Mengxue Zhang
% zhaohui.xue@hhu.edu.cn & mengxue_zhang@hhu.edu.cn
% https://sites.google.com/site/zhaohuixuers/publications