menix / zeppelin-aggrid

Data render with Ag-Grid for Apache Zeppelin
MIT License
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Data visualization for Apache Zeppelin using ag-Grid (rich table widget).

How to use

Zeppelin (since 0.8.0 version) got automatically all its Helium plugins published in NPM. So, just enable visualization plugin from the Helium page. You can go there from dropdown menu under your username at the top right corner in Zeppelin.

Licence key

You have to set valid licence key manually by updating the line 81 at ZEPPELIN_HOME/local-repo/vis/node_modules/zeppelin-aggrid/aggrid-transformation.js file in order to enable advanced ag-Grid options like Aggregation and Pivoting.

Please, be aware you may ask ag-Grid for trial licence key which is valid during 3 month.

Loading data

You can load data in any way possible in Zeppelin. Please, look into Zeppelin standard tutorial notebooks for examples.


You can use usual Zeppelin visualisations Settings panel to update ag-Grid columnDefs in the according UI field. Unlike usual ag-Grid settings the data placed there should be a valid JSON, i.e. strings must be framed with double quotes except of numeric, boolean or null values. Example is shown below.

{"columnDefs": [
    {"field": "gold", "aggFunc": "sum", "enableValue": true, "width": 100},
    {"field": "silver", "aggFunc": "min", "enableValue": true, "width": 100},
    {"field": "bronze", "aggFunc": "max", "enableValue": true, "width": 100},
    {"field": "country", "rowGroup": true, "enableRowGroup": true},
    {"field": "year", "pivot": true, "enablePivot": true},
    {"field": "date"},
    {"field": "sport", "pivot": false, "enablePivot": true} 


Please, read the ag-Grid docs about pivoting for more details and examples, if it is needed.

Some points for setting data pivoting in this plugin can be done by the ag-Grid UI (e.g. Tool Panel), some things not. To allow a column to be used as pivot column via the Tool Panel, set "enablePivot": true on the required columns definitions. Otherwise you won't be able to drag and drop the columns to the pivot drop zone from the Tool Panel.

Enable Pivot mode by switching eponymous checkbox on Tool Panel then.

Be aware that date column in the example above won't be shown, because nor aggregation, nor grouping, nor pivoting is enabled for it.

You can manage table column width by clicking the menu sign, which is appearing at the right of column name on mouse over.

You can choose aggregation function by clicking on field name in Values set on Tool Panel.


Requires Zeppelin 0.7.2+ (but 0.8.0 is better)



This plugin works fine, but I made it for my work project and I don't plan to support it after year 2018. Please fork the repo and ask me for NPM ownership in case it's insteresting for you.